Sped up Joseki Server for testing

Hi All,

There is an updated Joseki Server on Beta.

It has had some enhancements that ought to make it feel much faster to respond.

Some testing would be nice, please, let me know how it goes (including editing, for those who are able).




@shinuito I will be curious if this eliminates the “quickly clicking messes things up” issue you reported.

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Apologies for not getting the time to test it out. I guess it’s already live on the main site from the other post. It looks good, does seem to move fairly fast alright!

Actually here’s one way to reproduce what I was talking about.

  1. Take the empty board, play a couple (2 or 3 even) of moves that aren’t in the database.

  2. Use the back arrow to go back to the empty board.

  3. Try playing out the 3-3 invasion joseki.

It’s like you’re permanently in experiment mode from then on, even though sometimes it shows you a move or two that should be in the database - until you hit reset that is.

(I feel like it used to happen to me too not on the empty board but I’m still trying to see if I can reproduce that)

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