Story Behind Your Username and/or Profile Pic?

How boring. :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait until you hear the story behind his profile picture :stuck_out_tongue:


Kakuna is a cool looking pokemon and number were needed to be orginal


Thats a photo for a student id on my new universityā€¦ i hope they do not reject the photo


Basically brawl stars players with a crown on top for my profile pic

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Iā€™ll pray for you. :pray: :prayer_beads:


Atorrante is a word that comes from the Argentine Spanish that is strewn with words and colorful phrases from lunfardo, a rich vocabulary born on the streets of Buenos Aires in the second half of the 19th century. Now considered a fixture of the Spanish language in Argentina (especially in and around Buenos Aires) and Uruguay, linguists cite the use of lunfardo as a defining characteristic of the Rioplatense dialect.

In lunfardo, the word atorrante commonly refers to one who avoids work and other responsibilities or one who lacks honesty and respect, with concern only for his own personal gain. In addition, atorrante carries the following meanings:
ā€¢ when used to describe a man or a woman (atorranta in the case of a female) ā€“ scum, bum, tramp, layabout, crook, slacker, good-for-nothing, naughty, cheeky
ā€¢ when used to describe a woman ā€“ whore, slut, easy, promiscuous
ā€¢ when used to describe a child ā€“ prankster, mischievous, cheeky
ā€¢ when used to describe an animal ā€“ mutt

The origin of the word ā€œatorranteā€ is uncertain; however, there are two widely held explanations as to its etymological roots:
(1) Itā€™s said that in the early 20th century, vagabonds and indigents slept inside huge cement pipes being installed for an important public works project in the City of Buenos Aires. Allegedly, the French-made pipes were emblazoned with the name of the manufacturer A. Torrent, and the men spending the night in these pipes gained the moniker ā€œatorrantesā€ as a result.
(2) At the turn of the 20th century, unemployed men who came looking for work at general stores were offered the job of roasting coffee beans (to roast/toast = torrar). The raggedy-looking folks given this task later came to be known as atorrantes.

( copied from )


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I was just thinking about what sounded cool and I was talking to Starline many months ago before I graduated and pre-corona! (Iā€™ll miss you Ro! Hope you get to nationals next year!) about how we should be playing, for Go duh, and wanted his input on what a good Go player was. Well Ro is always thinking about something, except 95, and how it sounded to me he felt that our math teacher was a hero. And I really felt that, so I tried to make my name sound cool but also push forward my hope of succeding my teacherā€™s and friendā€™s hopes for me and to one day become the top Go player! I will reck Hikaru! Down be to Fujiwara No Sai!


Oh, itā€™s you. I feel like I know you from somewhereā€¦


Hmmmm. I couldnā€™t say. Let me see if I can remember.


LOL ( $/keystroke)

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I have always greatly enjoyed listening to David Bowieā€¦ But what is your new found interest?


  • j/kidding!
    Donā€™t let me hear you say life is taking you nowhereā€¦ in these GO-lden years, Go! click clack click clack (the sound of Goo stones hitting the GoBan)

I need powerbank when I registered on lowbat phone

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My username is self evident.

The profile picture is the pixelated picture of a finished game from a womanā€™s league where each pixel is a stone. And if you squint hard, it looks like a pixie spreading her wings.

The game is also pretty fascinating. Black was constantly developing influence since the beginning and was mostly behind from mid-game onward, Only through several ko fights and yose exchanges to finally won with the slightest margin (B+0.5) with more than 300 moves, and all the black territory is connected. This game taught me to never backdown and keep fighting to the very end, and always keep my group strong, connected, and safe.


O if this could be true in my gamesā€¦


I stared off with an idea to do something related to my favorite musical genre: SLAMMING BRUTAL DEATH METAL :metal::angry:

So I started with the name of a band - Devourment. Turned this into a Go related name - dragon-devourer. The pic is a Devourment album cover :wink:


my name originally came from a late night chatting session with some of my first friends on ogs. probably was talking about lore all the way back then, and it happened. i added the omega just because i suppose. shame i didnt save the logs. my pfp came from a friend of mine, he made it for me using some dnd program thing.


My username is my original name and surname without vowels in it. Well, it has been only 1 month in here I play go. I did not know I woud like this place this much. So, did not think much over a username and just link my google account and gave it a try.

My profile picture is the cockatiel and parakeet I have. They are so sweet but sadly the parakeet is not with us anymore.


My username is just my first name and my middle initial, the combination of which is pretty rare. my profile picture is something I threw together with this picrew, but Iā€™ve grown to like the combination of pink and green. the green kind of matches the go kibitz color scheme


I have had a lot of different usernames over the years for different services. I have never really found anything that I wanted to stick with. This username is from runescape ā€œRuniteā€ is basically an ore that you mine in the game.