Streaming on OGS

Hi there,

I found an older thread saying that to let the mods know you are streaming OGS would be to ask in a thread - I hope that is still how to do things.
I am currently streaming Go on Twitch occasionally, even though it is not my main content. I wouldn’t want to get users spammed if I don’t play Go, but I also read there might be a manual option to trigger the live notification, so I could specifically do that if I’m streaming Go.

I am by no means a professional player though (8kyu at the moment), but I’d love to help promote Go to a wider audience, as small as it may be, and make people interested in the game!

Thanks for considering this
And enjoy your games!


You have been given announcer privileges. You can create announcements in the Announcement Center. Set the announcement for the rough length you expect to stream for, and if you need to leave early for any reason please remember to come back and delete the announcement to mininise people clicking links for ended streams. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow. Never knew this existed: Announcement Center (for streams and events).


Also accessible from the main menu of OGS.


Perfect, thank you so much for the fast reply!


Would you mind giving privileges to MidnightTheBlue as well? I keep announcing for him when I see he is live, but it’s probably time he has access and I (or you) can let him know he has it and how to use it.


It seems anoek beat me to it :sweat_smile: you can point them at this thread and say all the same applies :+1: