Studies section

@Atorrante If it gets anywhere in the developers’ to-do list, it would be just fine for me. :blush:

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That may be long sometimes

here a description how OGS is quite busy today with other things.

Now the forum is still a good place to debate on further developement of course.
Maybe some selfmade pic of how you visualize a study page on OGS? How you would see the main menu? … I would love that (instead of learning chess :hugs:) and others too.

Okay, I will elaborate on this.

(1) Lichess screen

In screen (1) you see a section (right) where the poster can put the moves (coordinates) and explain the problem. On the left there is a space for other players to comment.

(2) OGS Puzzle screen where I can post a problem

(2) is the screen where I can enter a problem. The describe the objective area is rather small. Only the puzzle creator can write there. Not accessible for others.

(3) Just a puzzle screen of a random puzzle

This is just a screen that I don’t control. I cannot comment here.

So the OGS Puzzles section does not facilitate the possibilities that Lichess does.
I am sure that there we can create a clumsy work around for this, but that won’t be as elegant as Lichess’s study rooms :smiley:


And what I was saying was that if the creator wanted to do a similarly commentary on each move they can

So really we just need somewhere users of the puzzle can comment and give feedback, and we would have similar enough functionality.

If you look at the joseki explorer, that type of comment system I mean one could add.


In the meantime, mark5000 is doing this to some extent in Principles of 9x9 Go


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