Suggestion: In "Play" tab, add "Your Color" information

I’d like to see this added, as it’s quite a problem when I join a game quickly without realizing the player has made me white, when I am, say 14k and they are 10k.

I don’t always see the “Your Color” before accepting the game, so I’d love to see it, along with more information (perhaps we could just customize what information we want to see in that window) before I click on the game.



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Why is it a problem if you are white in an even game with full komi with a higher-ranked player?

I, personally, dislike it that many people base the color in even games on relative rank. It has made me strongly associate black with losing which is not a good thing.

“even game”… “higher ranked player”

What’s your question?

My question is:

Why is it a problem if you are white in an even game with full komi with a higher-ranked player?

You can’t be serious… How is it an “even game” if your opponent is of higher rank?

Komi is meant for even games, its not a handicap…

It is an even game because the komi is supposed to even out the difference of the colors. Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you are black or white. That is the whole point of komi. Would you please now answer my question?

… Komi evens out the game when players are of the same rank.

If I am 10 kyu and my 5kyu opponent plays black… komi does not make that an even game… reread your question because it makes no sense

I have explained what I am talking about. You don’t bother but instead make word plays about the different meanings of the word “even”.

Why don’t you link to the offending game? If it was a handicap game and not an even game why don’t you just say so instead of wasting my time?

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There’s only one meaning of the word even here; the players are of the same rank, or very close. That’s an even game; and that’s where Komi comes in for white to make up for going second.

Your question means nothing.

Why is it a problem if you are white in an even game with full komi with a higher-ranked player?

You’re contradicting yourself. Is it an even game, or is your opponent a higher-ranked player?

I’m not being pedantic, your question makes no sense.

This is an interesting interpretation of “even game”, but it is wrong. See here: Even game at Sensei's Library

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