Surprising False Eyes

Yes. It can happen, if you have a large eye or territory, that when the opponent invades, you suddenly have to worry about your own survival.

An example:


Figure 1. Black has a large territory in the corner, and is alive thanks to this territory.

Figure 2. Black is surrounded in the corner; but is confident that his large territory is enough to be alive.

Figure 3. White made a group inside of Black’s territory! Now a liberty race will ensue. If White lives, then Black will surely die.

I’d not twigged to this idea before. By chance I encountered…

…and realized that if W extended to A2 (my incorrect first instinct), B could get a false “eye in the belly”. Avoiding that was the key to solving. [yeah, it’s not exactly the same thing, but it’s used to exploit a liberty shortage]

Below, a variation on that tsumego:
