Surround — iOS client for OGS

Hi everyone,

I have just released a new version, 1.3.12, mostly with small improvements and bug fixes. Below are some of the issues that was fixed:

Also, the app can support multiple languages now. This version added support for Vietnamese.

Sorry for the long time without updates. I am working on some new features but it has been quite challenging to finish them, so I decided to release a minor version with bug fixes first. Hopefully I can finish the new features soon…


I have just released a new version, 1.3.14, with support for Japanese and French. Huge thanks to Raphael for providing the translations :smile:.


Hello? Can I contribute to the Korean translation of this application? I used ‘Surrounding’ very well in the App Store.

Everything was good, but it was a pity that Korean was not supported and that the friend list was not available. Other than that, all the interfaces and designs were beautiful and convenient.

I don’t know anything about the application development process and I may not be able to help because I’m just a Korean speaker, but I leave a message in the hope that this application works in Korean.


Hi, thank you very much for the offer.

Currently it is quite hard to contribute to translation for the app if you are not familiar with app development, so I am looking into setting up something similar to what OGS is currently using ( Hopefully it can help making the app available in more languages.

I will post an update here when it is available.


This app seems to have stopped working since the latest OGS update. It can’t pick up games that I star on the site, and it has difficulty loading my profile.

Hi, thank you for raising the issue. Could you share with me links to the games that the app couldn’t pick up; and could you share more details on what happened when the app had difficulty loading your profile?

Also, could you try reinstalling the app to see if it helps with the issues.

FWIW, I have been using the app daily and didn’t notice any issue recently, but I don’t use all the features in the app so I might miss something related to features I don’t often use.


I have often some issue with accepting the dead stone at the end. Mostly when it was cancel by my opponent then reopen later . Sometimes I can not finish our game and one has to give up

Hi @HongAnhKhoa ,

Thanks for making the app! I just started using and supporting it. I’m using it on iPhone and iPad for a correspondence game, and the only problem I have is that when I receive a “it’s your turn” notification it arrives to both devices but it does not disappear from both of them when I actually make the move. To be clear: when it’s my turn I get notification in devices A and B. Then I make mu move in device B. Notification badge disappears as expected in device B, but not in device A. Would it be possible to add a fix for that? I suppose the whole apple notification APIs should have a solution for that? I’m a web developer myself, also with some experience in iOS, so I’d be happy to help if that would be possible.


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Hi, thanks for letting me know. I will check that feature.

Thanks, this is the first time I received this feature request, I have never thought of this before. :slight_smile:

It looks possible, but it’s a bit complicated and it involves the server side (which is not open source) so it’s hard for other people to help with this. For now, I will note this down and will consider this the next time I work on related areas.

Also, have you tried the Home Screen widget? It should be able to show you the current status of your correspondence games more accurately than notifications.

Hi, thanks for the answer!

I’ll try the widget, and I’ll be looking forward to a fix for the notifications issue. I don’t know how notifications API work, but considering that the “it is your turn” notification only dissapears when you actually make a move (and not when you just open the app), then I think it should be easy that an extra notification is sent to your devices when you make a move (not only when the opponent does), and then the app can cancel any existing “it is your turn” notification. Therefore there’s no need for any server-side tracking of notification status or anything like that.

Hi again @HongAnhKhoa,
I tried the widget and it is quite cool, but it sort of suffers from a similar issue because if I make my move in one device, the other device still says that I have a pending move. I guess it updates after a while (and this will be something that iOS decides when it happens?), but ideally the widget should update in all devices shortly after a move is made. I think that sending notifications for every move (both your moves and your opponent moves) should allow for this kind of behaviour rather easily.

Also a hopefully simple suggestions for the widget: can you make the purple color in “your turn X/X” change color when there are pending moves? For example, it could be black if there are no pending moves, but could switch to purple or whatever when you have pending moves.

Thanks a lot!