Teaching game for a 25k


I played a little six years ago, and got frustrated. Now, I am playing again, and feel better, since I win sometimes against bots (the two easier ones) and humans (in my rank). However, the balance seems to be negative…

How do I improve my game a little? I dont want to read or invert much time on this, just a game for me. I feel there are some strategic thinking I lack…

Maybe playing a teaching match is what I need… I play on 9x9 board. Played a few games 13x13…

Best regards


No one?

I’m not available for live games, I’m happy to do a correspondence game with you. If that works for you, then feel free to send me a challenge. I’m 11k.

And then please set the time to about 3 days per move. I often play much faster than that, but sometimes I can’t play two days in a row due to work.

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In the other direction, I don’t play correspondence Go,
but I can play real-time teaching games with you.

Thanks! Do you think it will be better on 9x9 or 13x13?

Never played correspondence game before :slight_smile:

Great! I will send you a message!

Lets start on 9x9, simply because we’ll run into more moments :slight_smile:


In case you didn’t see the review, here it is:


Yes, I have seen it!
Thanks a lot for the review!

Your lessons let me win more often when I played against the weakest bot, Agapanthus. I cant beat yet the next one, Amaranthus.


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Happy to hear that! Good luck, and if you’re up for another game, you know where to find me.

I made another review for you: