The 1st ISGS Go Promotion Awards: Call for Posters

The International Society of Go Studies cordially invites Go enthusiasts, educators, researchers, and students to showcase their innovative ideas, projects, and research. The awards will honor participants who have demonstrated exceptional creativity, practicality, and potential for positively impacting the Go community. You can find more information here: ISGS


That sounds very interesting :slight_smile:

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@jlt @Lukete @lucasfelix
I am not exactly certain that I understood the specifications, so I will leave this here for a while, for some open feedback and then send the final version to @mju_myosu :slight_smile:


This is just a short reminder that the submission deadline of the Award contest approaches quickly.
If your time allows, please submit a poster presentation on how to effectively promote and/or teach Go by August 5th (August 6th 3 pm Korean Standard Time) as a pdf file by email to dtrinks at

See above’s post for an example of how a poster presentation typically looks like, following more or less a common structure of introduction, objectives, methods, results (or expected effects) and conclusion.

Feel free to contact me via email if you have any question.

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For everyone’s convenience, in your local time that’s 2023-08-06T06:00:00Z

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@BHydden Thank you very much! That’s an excellent function.

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Happy to help :slightly_smiling_face: many don’t know it exists but it is super useful

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Thank you, @JethOrensin, for showing your poster to inspire others to follow your example!

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Don’t mention it :slight_smile:
The official presentation is still tomorrow, right? Will there be some coverage or VOD/articles afterwards?

My mistake, the end of submission is tomorrow. The event is on the 31st. The other questions still stand though…


Will there be an online retransmission of the event?

I would be looking forward to it.

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@mju_myosu Are there any news or VODs? There doesn’t seem to be an update on the main site.

@ArsenLapin1 @JethOrensin
Thanks for your interest and sorry for the late response. We were not able to have an online live broadcast this year, however, BadukTV came to record the whole day (conference and Award prize ceremony). As soon as they are done editing they will upload the videos on their youtube channel I assume, and we will let you know about where to access these video records on our website. Stay tuned!


@mju_myosu Thank you for the update! I am looking forward to it. Also I am a bit curious about the results as well :slight_smile:


This article was about announcing the 11 poster submissions, but within it there was no list.

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I just remembered to check this topic again and I am happy to say that there were more news in the relevant news page:

and the posters of each project were uploaded and made accessible and the winners have been presented :tada:

Even though I didn’t win in the category relevant to my project (which was to be expected, Artem Kachanovskyi’s European Go Journal is the kind of pro-level effort that I keep saying that we need more of), I have to say that I am very happy to have participated and been given the opportunity to read and learn more about all those different projects and ideas that happen within Go’s playerbase.

Thank you @mju_myosu for organising all this and giving us all the opportunity to present our ideas and I wish you all the best for the next conference that will take place in Toulouse :slight_smile: (there is a slight change that this might be the first EGC I will attend, so hopefully I will get to see the presentations)