The all-in-one democratic game

I’ve added R14 and a sequence from it from Get Strong at Joseki 2 by Richard Bozulich. Yoshio Ishida includes R14 in Dictionary of Basic Joseki in Volume 3, but says ‘Black 3 (R14) is slightly vulgar in style’. The sequence (which Ishida says you cannot call it a ‘good result’ for black) is slightly different to Bozulich’s one (I’ve seen Leela play Bozulich’s 2 the push),


I don’t think bots would play R15, but I’ve seen leelazero consider most of the sequence given in Bozulich (left) once R15 is played. It can tenuki without playing 9 onward for instance (but bots do that). I’ve seen it also prefer 5 in the left diagram at p17. Leela seems also to consider playing both Bozulich’s 2 and Ishida’s 4 once giving the position. (I’m just playing with zbaduk)