The all-in-one democratic game

It so difficult to comment on someone else’s reading because one instantly begins to question every assumption. For instance, in gennan’s most recent post above White tenuki’s to N7 for move 2, then Black plays K16 for move 3 - at this point, I can’t imagine WHY White wouldn’t respond locally. It seems much more urgent to deal with the K16 threat rather than play (what I see as) a fairly small move at O5.

I do agree that Black needs to reduce White’s upper moyo, and I can envision a few ways of doing that, but yeah - I am having a difficult time being able to relate to the examples proposed in the last 5-6 comments.


My own comment: seems hard to ignore Q12 and because how are black stones placed, hard to find something else as R11.
Only alternative would be to give up and go attack the white lower right group, but even with a successful attack I don’t think it will compensate for the loss.

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I would try to cut off and seal in the top black group with H11 or force black to run or fight with K12/K13. I don’t think black has enough space to live locally without making white stronger toward the center or get the left side in trouble.

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Making white’s surrounding stones stronger is not a problem, as long as white cannot use that strength to make 70+ points on the board to win.

But anyway, which move can black play now to prevent the game from going in this direction that you don’t like for black?
You suggested black Q13 & Q14 earlier. How would that change the course of the game in a direction that you like better for black?

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No one is providing more opinions for the next move?

I’ll first say that anything black just approaches the upper side like K14 or K16 is not an immediate threat to white, and approach or attack it would only make that stone stronger (unless it is a plan to completely surround it and kill it).

And O5 is not small, I feel it is important for the survival of the lower right by extending the liberties of that group at the same time attacking the two black stones. There are always the invasion options for white on the other side of these two black stones, and to break out the lower right white group is to first make one the “black wall” group weak, and at the same time keep the option of playing for outside influence toward the center open. If white can get to M7 before black, the cut (to seal and cut off white lower right) with O7 would not work for black anymore.

Peep with P7 and then cut with O7 is a whole new matter, it is actually the big reason why white needs extra liberties for a local semeai.

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Anyone to manage here? Bit too busy IRL thanks.


As far as I can tell, most discussions revolved around Q13 Q11, and R11.

I’ll throw in O7 and L16 as well. O7 due to it would prevent white N7, and L16 just personal preference to start contact fight sooner than later.

I have to leave but that’s surely enough to make the poll.

Since @Groin is busy I’ll make a poll :fairy:
black to play next

Move 55, black to play
  • L16
  • Q13
  • Q11
  • R11
  • O7
  • Others (please specify in a reply)

0 voters

A lot of people seem to be busy at the moment, I’ll extend the closing time till the end of this weekend. Hope everyone is healthy and well :woman_health_worker:


Presuming R11 wins, I think we need to regard Q12–R11 as having been a kikashi and play a big move on the top, like L15 or L14.

If we play Q13 and Black gets K16 then I don’t like our chances in this game.

By the way, this is now the seventh-longest thread, since it just overtook Community Geoguesser. I expect it to also pass Yahtzee and the Language Learners’ Library soon, settling into fifth place (and fourth public place) for the foreseeable future.


Also - it doesn’t seem to me like we need another 5 days to deliberate. The most recent poll does seem to have a clear front-runner. Maybe another day and then close voting?


I’ll put it up till tomorrow and put up an announcement reply, and if no more votes come in or R11 pass 10 votes. I’ll close it up early.

Although anyone available next month, it will be Chinese new year, I won’t have the time to help. Who is going to carry the torch?


I see there are no more votes coming in, so I’ll close this vote early.
Black R11 won the poll for the next move

Thanks for everyone to participate and newcomers are always welcome to suggest their moves and discuss

Anyone wants to carry the torch for the next poll?


I’ll renew my vote for S9. It looks interesting, and if Black answers it at S10, then we’ve made a good exchange already.

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I’ve shown many variations start with N7 in previous round, and it was a move to both extend the liberties for the lower right, and put pressure to gain influence toward the center, and possibly assist attack for the lower side black moyo later.

Also the obvious answer of R13 since black didn’t play it, reinforcing the upper side influence for the big moyo.

Also direct moyo gote moves around K14.

Or attack moves like H4 L3 to break the black bottom moyo.


I really want White to play something around K14 to prevent Black playing K16 or L16

It feels like White’s best chance to make a giant upper moyo and force Black into a risky invasion of some sort…

I’m also in favour of a move around K14 to secure a large territory on the upper side, but I would like to exchange R13-S13 first (I don’t think black will cut at Q13 in response to R13).

I would also like to play at S9 to strengthen white’s lower right group, but I’m not so sure that black will respond, because black’s stone at R11 reduced the severity of white’s follow up from S9. I feel that white was only entitled to get a forcing move at either Q12 or S9. Not both.

I see some aji in S10, so I’m reluctant to play at S9 too early. What about something like P10?

Isn’t P10 too passive? It hardly puts any pressure on black (so it’s probably gote), it doesn’t really link up white and and it doesn’t create many points.

I guess my concern is - is White R13 sente enough, or will Black just tenuki, play something around K16, get a response from White, and then play the S13 gote move?