The all-in-one democratic game

G13. If Black doesn’t threaten to immediately separate White on the left, White may just close off the top. G13 makes the aji of C15 stir a bit. I don’t see a white move that would prevent Black escaping through J10 or thereabouts.

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Black G9 wins the poll!
white to play, time to suggest.


H12 for a great big territorial framework


Can’t we say already “territory”?


Black still has reductions like M12. But yes, the upper side looks increasingly like White’s territory.


And what about white left side? I’m bit afraid to lose a lot there if black attack now.

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Defending the left is miai with defending the top. Some loss seems inevitable. Locally, White E7 fixes some problems. But it doesn’t fix all the problems, and Black can break the upper side with G13. So I prefer defending the top.

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I want to play J10 to take away Black’s keypoint / push my moyo down from above

but I also want to play D8 to make table shape and de-fang the F9 forcing move

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You could combine both in a sequence J10 G8 D8 ?

Now in my opinion:
D8 is too only defensive, won’t make that much points as the edge remains open and there is still a big hole in the middle of this left w group to exploit by b. If I play around here I would prefer a move like F6 F7 or E7, even if there are some weaknesses left behind inside.

J10 is a direction I didn’t think maybe because it push black to connect which is not really what I want now. Besides pushing in this direction hurts more the left w groups too. Then the Keima is a weak connection near a black strength and considering that the lower right w group is not shiny shinny yet, I can’t expect to go very far in reducing black prospects at the bottom and at least stones around here could come under strong counter attack

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G8 and F7 are my first ideas.

There are plenty of other moves on the E, F, and G files worth considering as well.

H13 would certainly be very nice if White can get it in.


Black can still play G13 after white H12. Reduce the lower-left white territory and make the left side black group alive. Get a good center influence and play O7, white has a big top moyo, now black’s bottom moyo is stronger, and threaten the live of the lower-right white group.


I like how white in some way has to answer passively and finally black can start pressuring the white lower right group.
Well in that case what other choice for white could we think of? Would E7 as suggested be a kind of honte move here or do white have some even more active move to chose?

I feel that white F7 would be a bit more threatening/active/potentially sente than E7 or D8.

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Maybe it’s time to do a few estimation. Not sure you agree on this but in @claire_yang variation I give a ten points lead for black.

G13 is a nice tesuji after H12. But wouldn’t White play 3 at H13?

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For a long time already I feel that black is leading, or at least that black has an easier game. I cannot really point to a stage in the game where I feel that white had an easier game.
After @claire_yang’s variation I feel that black consolidates his lead. It would still be difficult for white to kill if black invades at K16 (also taking into account that black still has aji at F14, J13, O13) and even reducing more safely with L16 may be good enough for black.

So I feel that white needs to fight to have a chance. Playing safely and somewhat passively like in @claire_yang’s variation will just allow black to consolidate his lead.

Objectively, it may be too late already for white. Even my earlier suggestion of white F7 may not be good enough to turn the tide. So perhaps white should opt to go down in flames rather than petering out and invade at K3 now?

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For a long time already I feel that black is leading, or at least that black has an easier game. I cannot really point to a stage in the game where I feel that white had an easier game.

Possibly if we’d played the G3 press back at The all-in-one democratic game - #601 by stone.defender

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In that case, can white first encroach in at G8?

I feel it was even earlier. Already after move 10 (P16) I slightly prefer black and that preference keeps growing. For example, I don’t really like white’s joseki choice on move 14. White is following a moyo strategy, giving black a lot of secure territory. Normally, it should be the other way around. Obviously I’m not going to check this game with KataGo before the game is over, but I bet it already clearly likes black’s position after move 24 (L17).

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If black responds solidly, this might happen after F7:

and this after G8:

Edit: Oops, I put a white stone at H12 instead of H13, but it may not make a big difference.

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