The all-in-one democratic game

My instinct is that G9 is the proper move. Of course, G8 is also reasonable.

In both cases, the proverb don’t permit the bulge is applied.

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I’d prefer G8 or H8 over G9. I’m not even really sure why G9 would be a good move, isn’t it just like pushing from behind, in a way? It doesn’t make enough momentum for Black, and it doesn’t really put much pressure on white either

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Well, G9 does threaten a severe push & cut, so white has to do something. But even if white doesn’t resist and just defends, I don’t really see a nice follow up for black.

does not look as attractive to me as

The only difference between these shapes is move 1.


In both sequences, black cutting group has much less liberties (and white better shape) so we should consider how we manage white cutting at H10.
Giving away the cutting stones will lower the possibilities on the left white group (or give more for w to push inside black lower side). Besides it’s not that big in itself if it let black push into white upper side.

The very last dia is too good for black all his stones being well connected, so white will have to be more imaginative.

cut? you call this cut?





Just omit that exchange where w lose a lib

What black move now?

Here is the sacrifice I was considering


Considering the possibilities left on the upper side that connection could be a better choice?

Note that black will soon have another weapon to use on the lower right white group.

G9 is not pushing from behind if you need a strong shape first, and if white thinness makes w add a move to correct it

You have much better moves as 1 in the last dia. Don’t lose that lib as I said

I mean I see double Atari for example
A lose ladder (with 2 libs left) which create double atari is going nowhere. I guess you focuse too much on capturing the 4 black stones, which make that losing a lib move compulsory

I mean that

Or that


Ah! This double atari!

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But then both G8 and H8 have this fatal flaw…

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Yes absolutely. G9 don’t but has another one letting white push a bit inside.

If white wedges and cuts, I think the black cutting stones can be treated lightly by black. Black has several options for those stones, such as the sacrifing with J10 or J11, or escaping with

or attacking white’s lower right group or invading white’s moyo (while leaving all the aji of the D11 stones intact).

So I think that wedge and cut is a rather risky and opaque strategy for white.

Also, in a normal game between 2 human players, I would not expect white to do that. After all, if white wanted to cut at H10, he could have done so previously, without the extra move at F8. But white didn’t cut, so that signals to me that white is not the type of player that likes to dive into big messy fights.
But I know that trying to “read” your opponent doesn’t really work in this game :wink:.


Not saying that you can’t sacrifice them but at least have some consideration around the cut because it will mean that the left side white stones will be firmly connected to the upper side. Not saying that the cut will be right the next move either, but can remain as annoying aji. Although if w don’t wedge now, black will have an option for a perfect connection that you pointed before.

So one day passed, I plan to open the poll with G8 G9 and H8 in ten hours if no more discussion.

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Yes my bad, I saw but forgot. Will join this too.

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Black to play, please vote!

  • G8
  • G9
  • H8
  • K10
  • Another move, please tell us

0 voters