The OGS ranking system is very strange, should maybe be re-thought (discussion)

I agree that there should be separate ranks for separate size boards. I am okay with my rank on 9x9 only because I do not play other size boards. I highly doubt that my rank on 19x19 is the same, by anyone’s measure. I feel certain I would always lose on 19x19 against someone with my same rank. I am very bad at 19x19 since I don’t feel ready to tackle a new level of strategy when I haven’t perfected 9x9 as yet.

I would also not want to see a standard game setup for ranked games, as I enjoy making moves only when I feel ready, not when pushed by a clock. For me, having to choose a move in 6 seconds is a nightmare.

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This isn’t my experience. High SDKs are much more threatening in 9x9 than 19x19 to me.

People always will be the same, system should be changed. “Beginner mode” choice should be added when creating account. So, beginners will be unable to play ranked games against too strong opponents until they get rank.

With current system not only SDK get bored. Beginner may become bored too and quit Go before trying to understand what is happening.


No one is saying time settings that agressive. 20 min and 5 30 second byoyomis are standard. If you don’t have standard ranked games then your ranking system is meaningless.

Glicko is much more powerful than this. More data points = more accurate. Glicko is not bothered by board size or time settings. anoek tested all of these things before picking the settings he settled on.


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