Through the Years: Long Correspondence

Good question indeed. As I understood it, @S_Alexander correct me if I am wrong the idea of having long time settings was to avoid accidental timeouts, and have the time to socialize around the games. Playing that slowly and pausing games looks like abusing the original intention. The more so that those players don’t seem to socialize much. They just put the games on the backburner for ever.


Yep sure, it’s kind of social experimentation and whatever the results, the rules can’t change by honesty.

At trying times, let’s remember our convictions in times of joy.


Is this visible?
I’m trying to publish a dashboard on a public platform.
Let me know…

It should be usable on smartphones, but I didn’t try yet! What a crap of a developer! :rofl:


We have two players who gained ten points in the first round! :grin:
One of them didn’t even win all of his games! :smile:


I made a bigger version for Tablet/PC.

Here you can check your games and other player’s too.
You can see rank changes since the tournament start (well, actually since july 16th) and play with player’s score (starting points, points to date and the difference).

I’d really appreciate any feedback on it.


Data update:

Total number of participants:          2233
Total number of players in this round: 2233 (100.00%)
The following data is about the current round only.
Disqualified or dropped out:            311 (13.93%)
Still competing:                       1922 (86.07%)
Number of groups:                       224
Progress: 6149 games decided out of 10038 (61.26%)
Max. games decided by a single player:           9
Min. games decided by a single player:           0
Max. games still open for a single player:       9
Min. games still open for a single player:       0
Max. fraction of games done by a single player: 100.00%
Min. fraction of games done by a single player: 0.00%
Number of players having finished all games:    339 (15.18%)
Number of players having finished no games:     102 (4.57%)
Groups with all games finished:                  3 (1.34%)
Groups with no games finished:                   0 (0.00%)

A third group has finished all its games.


It’s usable on phone and … in China too :heart_eyes_cat:

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Who are leading the pack right now in terms of wins?

8 players with 9 wins.
22 with 8 wins, 13 of them have one game still going.


Try this.

Click or tap on dots to see player’s names.


Very cool, thanks! :smile:

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Excellent, thx!

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I’ve always thought a game could only be paused by mutual consent. If a player asks me if they can pause, I’ll usually agree. If they unilaterally pause it without so much as a ‘by your leave’, I’ll unpause it. Just pausing without a word is just plain rude.
If I were playing mu2554, I would have no qualms whatsoever unpausing, unless he/she gave me a pretty good reason.


So how does that happen?

A bug. :bug:

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Absolutely. Problem is does everyone know he can unpause?

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we could always remind them…


One of the features of this tournament are very long time controls. It is like a test of patience. Not everyone can stand the sight of one game not progressing at all for weeks. I personally think that my threshold is about six month but it depends.

A lot of games will be resigned by people who get annoyed by slow games. I already spotted a few.