Through the Years: Long Correspondence

The thinly-veiled softcore porn part I can get behind if you’re into that sort of thing, the horrific torture and mutilation bits not so much.

Although I do like whoever said that GoT is like Twitter: there’s 240 characters and awful things are constantly happening.

[edit: I did actually follow GoT without ever watching it. There was a recap podcast called Boars Gore & Swords that would come out once an episode, and I listened to that instead. So I know all the characters’ names but not really what they look like.]


14 days later:

  • 25 games left, 37 players involved, 12 groups
  • 1 completed game
  • 2 players resigned
  • 2 players completed all their games, one of them with 9 wins
  • one group completed all its games

62 moves over 19 games
One game paused
Max number of moves in a single game (since last update): 18. That game is now finished.




14 days later:

  • 24 games left, 36 players involved, 12 groups
  • 1 completed game
  • 1 players completed all his games

52 moves over 19 games
4 paused games
Max number of moves in a single game (since last update): 9.


From last picture we can say that there are no forgotten games (except for THE forgotten game still paused since forever).


I definitely haven’t forgotten, just being a little overwhelmed again, by “all things”, therefore had to click “vacation” :man_shrugging:


And thanks muchly for updating here so patiently!


I think this is why you and I are career correspondence players. I’m glad OGS exists purely for this reason, otherwise I’d never get to play.


I’m that hated in-between, I love fast correspondence but I have to use the vacation setting now and then. I fit in neither world :woman_shrugging:t2::sweat_smile:


“hated”? By whom?
Tell us, and we’ll appear at their doorsteps with torches and pitchforks!
<edit> Not to forget the flails, ofc! </edit>


I have a flail I keep around especially.


Same. :sweat_smile: I’m not made for live games.

13 days later:

  • 21 games left, 33 players involved, 12 groups
  • 3 completed games
  • 1 player resigned, 1 disqualified
  • 3 players completed all their games

53 moves over 14 games
3 paused games
Max number of moves in a single game (since last update): 6.


Everyone seems to have completed at least half of their games now. Not sure that’s important but there it is.

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Such a weird statement.

Maybe is my English, but looking at it, knowing that there are 2k players, some of them would have finished all games, some less than that, but for sure at least half of the games. And that implies that there are less than half those initial 10K games still running. How many? Obviously a lot less than 5K, but how many? 1K, 500, or 100? Nope, just one game is running. OH, sure, actually there are 20 unfinished games. But still is fantastically far from at least half:)

And I have said that only one game is running because 18 are practically over. Nothing can happen there to unsettle the obvious result. Even a DDK can see that those games are over. And from those other 2 games one does not count since was paused and should have been canceled long time ago.

So the statement I would make, would be… one last game running. Quite far from, … everybody completed at least 5 games. :slight_smile:

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The name checks out.

16 days later:

  • 17 games left, 29 players involved, 12 groups
  • 4 completed games
  • 3 players resigned
  • 4 players completed all their games, one of them with 9 wins

51 moves over 16 games
3 paused games
Max number of moves in a single game (since last update): 6.


13 days later

No completed games since last update.
One player resigned from tournament.
37 moves over 10 games.
One paused game.
Max number of moves in a single game (since last update): 10


Thanks for your diligence to keep us all updated, @Lys, muchly appreciated :pray: :man_bowing: