Through the Years: Long Correspondence

Sry for being a little thick—how can that be? In my counting 9 games means 18 players …

Some players are playing more than one game


Oh… thx, I didn’t know that was possible in a tournament.

Oh, wait … dang, sure, I also played more than one game here. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil: No idea what I was thinking. Uhm, probably as much thinking as in those games I lost shamefully :roll_eyes:


will smith mib - R7m04yMaGWVeE


What is the game with the less moves (just over 100)?
Otherwise said, is there a list of all remaining games, w/o loading the whole tournament page?

Yes, see Through the Years: Long Correspondence - #1310 by Atorrante

Some of those games have recently been finished.


Thx, great!

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Move 289: Jametto vs 9981
Move 274: osalan vs Naci Erdem
Move 210: klai vs HongAnhKhoa
Move 202: Grey the earthling vs carmina3
Move 195: HongAnhKhoa vs ocd
Move 194: Sanchai vs HongAnhKhoa
Move 156: elb vs Dummbatz
Move 127: soerface vs Amenofus


Jametto vs 9981 : cancelled
osalan vs Naci Erdem : just an awful slaughter, should be declared finished by a mod

Yet, they have a right to play it to the end, IMHO.


You know, I didn’t want to go into that much detail about that specific game because …

  • the game is still ongoing, and …

  • the players might be reading here



Thanks, @trohde, it’s a pity that some do comments on an unfinished game.

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The info about the points is public info. Everyone can access that info.

Players and spectators see a different accuracy of score estimator. I’ve removed your previous post.

Please do not comment on ongoing games.


16 days later:

  • 7 games left, 12 players involved, 5 groups
  • 2 completed games
  • 4 players completed all their games
  • 2 groups completed all their games
  • 1 disqualified player, 1 resigned

10 moves over 5 games
4 paused games
Max number of moves in a single game (since last update): 3.


Yes, players could read that, so what? I would stick to the position that when you are so down below, you should resign. Independently of the specific context of this tournament.

But legally, yes, they have a right to play until the end, even if there is not much interest left in this endgame, and it’s not as if hundreds of people were waiting for the next round to start. :innocent:

OK. Guilty as charged.

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Ouf… that might pose a problem … any player can log out and see a more accurate version of the estimation then, no? Should we perhaps change that?

(And yes, I knew that you can also see my MLog then for a long time already, but I don’t really care—if anyone wants to cheat in a game with ME, of all measly Kyus, they prolly really need it :smiley: )

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Isn’t viewing one’s own ongoing games from another account or logged out cheating for this reason and others like it? Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, of course, but I’d like to think most people aren’t cheaters


Yeah, same here — I simply feel better thinking this way :slight_smile:

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