Through the Years: Long Correspondence

It would be easy for anyone in this tournament to dump their game into an AI analysis and have a great score estimator, with the time available between moves. So, while a problem, there are even bigger problems that would not get fixed.


Indeed. In more than three years, any player has a lot of time and opportunities to rely on all sorts of help, either human or AI, or both. We can only hope that most players don’t do that.

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I trust that you wouldn’t do that :slight_smile:

But I cannot demand that you don’t read this thread here.

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I often use AI to review but ONLY AFTER the game is over. I think it’s counterproductive to use during the game, as you then don’t know what you don’t know you need to improve on, or where a potential blind spot or bad habit is. My only reason for pointing this out was that changing the algorithm only affects casual tool use, and leaves a big gap anyway so not a very helpful restriction. Delaying viewers 10 moves or so would be better and more comprehensive mitigation.

It’s not only counterproductive but also straight-up cheating to use AI during a game.


Grey the earthling vs carmina3 is over
6 games left …


With inflation our entry fee should be astronomical when this thing finishes…


Move 279: osalan vs Naci Erdem
Move 216: klai vs HongAnhKhoa
Move 199: HongAnhKhoa vs ocd
Move 196: Sanchai vs HongAnhKhoa
Move 156: elb vs Dummbatz
Move 130: soerface vs Amenofus


I’m currently on OGS vacation, for reasons, and a few days ago I caught myself having a bad conscience for holding up the TTY tournament yet again—until I remembered that I had actually finished (FINISHED!!!11) all my games of the 1st round :sweat_smile:


Which also means you NEVER held up the tournament.


elb vs Dummbatz : game cancelled;
5 games left, one player is involved in 3 of them.

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25 days later:

  • 5 games left, 8 players involved, 3 groups
  • 2 completed games
  • 4 players completed all their games
  • 2 groups completed all their games
  • 1 disqualified player, 2 resigned

26 moves over 5 games
(today it’s saturday: all games are paused because of w.e.)
Max number of moves in a single game (since last update): 8.


lol Thomas… yeah, as I just indicated on FB, we can all fall asleep at the wheel/GoBan/logical-thinking sometimes.

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Maybe I missed it, but was there any agreement made on how to get the game that has been paused for a very long time UNpaused?

Atorrante also wrote: In a little more than a week this game is finished.
I just noticed that the clock is still running.

Does that mean the game between Lopez and Willyam123 is NOT paused? Or was that about another game?
… and in any event has any decision been made on UNpausing games and/or getting a new TD for the tournament (since we no longer have a TD)?

I sent a message to Lopez asking to unpause the game, they hadn’t even realized it was paused.


Oh? I thought that @lys was made TD and Admin of that Group meanwhile … hasn’t happened?


What game are you about? I don’t see it in the list of the 5 last ongoing games.

I think this game was paused for years:

and was unpaused (by a mod?) around november 2023. The player who had paused it timed out.

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No actually Lopez unpaused this themselves after I asked them about it :slight_smile: there was no need for mod intervention on that game.