Through the Years: Long Correspondence


Not probably



We are estimating five years to complete first round. It could be reasonable that the tournament ends in 60 years.
100 years could be quite comfortable. :slightly_smiling_face:


My ghost will see Your ghost in 100 years and will definitely bring this up! Ha!


btw Cousin tournament Through the years: Short Correspondence is already on round 9


I’d think whenever someone has the idea to start another such tournament for all those who missed the first one :slightly_smiling_face:

I won’t join though … but I look forward to the next sudden batch of (probably) ten new games jumping up on my “home” page when the next round begins :smile:

And maybe, if we ask @Lys in very friendly way, he’d even simply create another one?
(However, I don’t know how much work it is, so I could certainly understand if you’d decline, @Lys.)

I think I might not even notice it starting a new round since I have over two hundred games :rofl:.

It’s not a big deal for me to suddenly have 10 more games because I play in so many tournaments that it happens every two or three days :laughing:.

Or will there be notifications when a new round of each tournament starts? (The little blue bell in the upper right corner)

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No, new rounds of tournaments don’t generate notifications. Only the tournament starting and ending.

It may be an interesting idea to have that as an option, but it doesn’t exist currently, so you’d have to go suggest it to the devs as a new feature.

I think this particular tournament is landmark enough that a sitewide notification when the new round starts would be a good idea. I don’t think one notification every half-decade counts as spam :smiley:


You can switch on email notification for a game starting

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But I don’t use email at all🤣.

We get notifications on OGS when a new game begins, no?

I certainly don’t usually. I looked for a setting about it but found only the setting for email notifications when a new game begins. It’s possible I’ve missed the option, of course.

This starting game notification may appear for tournaments games only?

There’s this sound setting but I guess unless you’re logged in at the time it won’t help

Can’t be, I’d think, otherwise so many corr. tournaments would have to lose so many players right from the beginning, just because they’re not online the minute the tournament finally begins …?

he’s only talking about the sound audibly playing, not the game itself starting

Mh… I’m talking about notifications … now I’m confused about who is confused …

why would simply missing a notification cause


If I miss a notification that a game (i.e. a game I play in) in a tournament has begun, couldn’t I lose on time?

Oh wait, we all do visit our “home” page on OGS … and there the game would show …

Sry, I think I have somehow lost what this originally was about … someone asked whether we’d … wait …

This here it was, I think

Maybe I totally misunderstood what this was about. OK, I probably did.

Never mind.

will smith mib - R7m04yMaGWVeE

There is a possibility that you will time out.
If you don’t refresh your page.
If all the games you don’t need to move in three days.
Then you may get a timeout in the new game.

However, there will be a number in the upper right corner (small black circle with white words) showing how many games you have waiting to be moved.
It updates in real time, so if you notice it, it’s still not a problem.

Oh, yes.
I just mean that I wouldn’t notice that I was playing the second, third, etc. round of a tournament.
But I shouldn’t get a timeout because I’m constantly moving in every game :rofl:.

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