I agree; I even paused games with opponents who seem to be occasionally active but haven’t started to play their games yet.
It’s nice that with this bug, people who are not very active get a better chance to participate in round 2.
the reading is right, the clock is bugged
(English language: is “bugged” correct for “having bugs”?)
Yep, bugged and buggy are both valid options to describe a thing that has bugs.
Though rather colloquial. Normally bugged means having a bug as in listening device: “we can’t talk freely because this room is bugged” .
Yes, “bugged” works for cases with or without intent.
While “buggy” is only for incidental bugs.
In this context, I don’t think anyone would believe anoek is spying on us with a listening device in game clock
I certainly didn’t until you brought it up …
Some games of this round are already finished … how sad … like drinking down a bottle of good old wine.
Mh… well, as a slow player I totally get what you say, but then again, it’s their loss, not ours, right?
And I guess they enjoyed their games, otherwise they’d probably have resigned from the tournament … so … maybe we should just enjoy our own games?
Wise man words, as usual.
I have already played mine way too fast except the two ones where my opponent have not yet moved.
Welcome to TTY Stats round 2!
Round 2 started on October 2, 2024.
6246 games
1389 players
139 groups
6 players resigned since then
289 games are already finished. 279 ended by resignation. 10 were scored.
109 were closed almost immediately (my first check was on october the 3rd).
18 players lost all their games
As of today we have 5957 games left, 1371 players involved, 139 groups
Can we get a 1st-2nd round rough comparison?
It’s been 4 years, I don’t remember how it all started, we were focused so long on the list remaining games.
There is no consensus. The people believing in evidence-based science favor a big bang theory. Other claim a spiritual entity - some sort of Alexander - brough it into being by sheer will power.
One is gone, the other just began.
2233 players at the beginning, only 1389 made it to second round.
10038 games versus 6246.
What else could we compare?
We cannot really compare players ranks because we had a major change in the ranking system during the first round.
Flags, maybe?
How many resigned/ left etc almost immediately?
I remember many people signed up and then didn’t stick around.
In the chart “Players gone” we can see that resignations were almost regular, while disqualifications were more frequent at first and then gradually decreasing.
In second round we’ve avoided the first timeout crisis of day 3 because of the clock bug. It’s possible that we’ll see it in 23 days + weekend pauses.
I know it’s early days so updating some of the left side for just round 2 doesn’t make as much sense. Could you add circles for Resigned round 2/ Disqulified round 2 for the players box. that would not count the ones from Round 1 ?
I was thinking about it.
It is defintely doable, but I’m not convinced that it’s worth it.
First thing is that we have just 6 resigned so far, so it wouldn’t be very interesting.
Something like this:
Second: subscribers for the tournament didn’t change from round 1. The flow of people leaving the tournament is the same. I wonder if the second round will make a bump in the charts for “players gone” and “players gone daily average”, but I’d like to see it against the previous trend.
In about a month we’ll see the wave of timeouts for people who didn’t notice the beginning of round 2. That’ll be something interesting to explore.
Perhaps the orange and red circles could be pie charts
- 5863 games left, 1367 players involved, 139 groups
- 94 completed games
- 4 players completed all their games
- 3 players resigned
Here is the most interesting chart for me at the moment:
982 players have all their games going.
20 players have finished all their games wit a loss (probably by resigning them). The 9 players resigning from tournament should be among them.
So probably there are 11 players who resigned all their games but didn’t resign from tournament. I’m too lazy to check that and reach for them to point that out.
Along the diagonal there are players who won all their completed games. We have two players who won 4 out of 4 games.
In the first round I was pointing out how many players did win 9 out of 9 games. For the moment we don’t have any yet.
This chart is interesting too, but it needs some zooming in:
These are players who resigned from tournament. In the last week there was a slight incrase, but not very different from the previous trend. Let’s see what will happen in the next weeks.
On the other side, chart for disqualified players is absolutely flat at the moment:
We have 5 “deleted” players who obviously didn’t play a move, but they look as normal active players in the tournament. I was tempted to disqualify them, but it isn’t really necessary: in few weeks they’ll timeout their first move and will be disqualified automatically.
That will also feel more “natural” in the charts: they will be part of a big number of players who didn’t play their first move.
I discovered that we have some also in the top ranking:
In this group 6 out of 10 players didn’t make a move yet. Should we do something about that?
It’s strange that the top players in the first round aren’t interested in playing the second one.
Give them some time to relax and rest, they are probably still exhausted from the first round.