Unfortunately I timed out before yose started, but on the other hand, I had lost quite some hope after (probably) losing my lower left corner. Nevertheless, here is our result:
Also, probably something I should have done before playing a game; I wrote some javascript that you could use to automatically put the next move sequences just above the chat window, including a message that you have to pass. Using a browser extension you can inject it to load with the page.
Please don’t judge my javascript, but feel free to offer suggestions on improvement
var THUE_MORSE_GAME_LIST = ["1234567","7654321"]; // put the game numbers in this list (see the url for the number)
var i, j, k=[], m, n=[1,0], c=1;
for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
m = [];
for (j=0; j<n.length; j++) { m[j] = 1-n[j]; }
n = n.concat(m);
for (i=0; i<n.length; i++) {
if (n[i]%2 == c%2) { k[c++] = (n[i] == 1 ? "B" : "W" ); }
else {
k[c++] = "PASS";
k[c++] = (n[i] == 1 ? "B" : "W" );
setInterval(function() {
var thueMorse;
if (THUE_MORSE_GAME_LIST.includes(location.href.match(/\d+/)[0])) {
thueMorse = document.getElementById("thueMorse");
if (thueMorse == null) {
var chatContainer = document.querySelector('.chat-container');
thueMorse = document.createElement("div");
thueMorse.id = "thueMorse";
thueMorse.style.height = "48px";
chatContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(thueMorse, chatContainer);
var moveNumber = parseInt(document.querySelector('.move-number').innerHTML.match(/\d+/)[0]);
thueMorse.innerHTML = "Last: " + (moveNumber == 0 ? "-" : k[moveNumber]) + ", now: " + k[moveNumber+1] + ", next: ";
for (i=2; i<31; i++) { thueMorse.innerHTML = thueMorse.innerHTML + ( k[moveNumber + i] != "PASS" ? k[moveNumber + i] + " " : "" ); }
} else {
thueMorse = document.getElementById("thueMorse");
if (thueMorse != null) { thueMorse.parentNode.removeChild(thueMorse); }