Timer countdown on mobile

I primarily play on my phone, and like to keep the volume off. There is virtually no warning for low time remaining for your moves. The time box at the top of the screen is quite small and difficult to notice.

On browser, you see the time remaining on the preview of the stone you are about to place, however you don’t see this preview on mobile browser. I often find that I’m out of time before ever realizing that I was ever low on time.

Perhaps we can have some easy-to-implement features to alleviate this such as:

  • an option to show the count down on the most recently places stone instead of the preview of the stone to be placed
  • an option to have the box that shows time flash red during the count down (maybe a gradual color shift from yellow to red if you want to be fancy)
  • an option to show the countdown as large transparent numbers over the whole board (with customizable color and opacity)

Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion

  • berian

You could try playing in zen mode, it makes the time box bigger at least.

If you are on android you could try @MrAlex 's “sente online go” app. I feel that it includes the stone countdown on the stone. I hardly ever play live so not 100% sure but I recall being surprised by this appearing on the stones one time!

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Sente lacks a ton of the features available on the browser. Most notably AI review.

Sure but you can easily hit the the three dots, top right, at the end of the game and tap “open in browser” to access that feature. I would say that Sente is for playing games rather than reviewing primarily. Although, I do much prefer scrolling through moves on Sente than on the browser.

It depends how much you value the countdown on the board (and other Sente qol elements) compared to an extra tap or so to access browser features.

Personally I don’t use the app and I feel it would still be a nice feature to have on the OGS site.

It seems a bit ridiculous to need an app just to have a more visible count down

Indeed and while waiting for the feature to be implemented it’s an option. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to use it.

I did also propose playing in zen mode if you don’t want to use an app

That’s not the suggestion.

It’s not about size as whatever how big is the clock, what you look are the stones, not the clock.

Countdown on the stone is something implemented not only in the app but on some other servers, doesn’t seem so strange idea. And the fact that the app made it could make it easier to implement if any collaboration?

The initial complaint was.

All the discussed ideas may well be better. I’m just trying to help OP identify the tools they already have available to partially address their complaints, while the discussion of possible new features unfolds.

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But that’s the following words and I join him for the reason I said. It’s much more efficient to have the countdown where you are góing to play as outside the go board.

Maybe some will think this could disturb the reading too much although it may appear only for the last seconds.

I think it’s very hard to keep focus on a clock and the board at the same time, well at least not optimum.

But yeah my words may have been too strong considering you wanted to simply offer help, sorry if so

Thanks for the Zen mode suggestion, it helps.

I tried to offer low-effort solutions as far as coding goes. I do hope you take my idea into consideration.

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