Too many bugs on this website

The thing is, you don’t have to throw “it’s free, suck it” in there. It has the opposite effect, because it cheapens the message.

You didn’t even mention it above, if I’m not mistaken, and that your out-with-everything.

I wholeheartedly agree with (paraphrased)

OGS is a labor of love for most people involved. Most are volunteers, so they contribute with limited time and resources. You wouldn’t guess from the result, though, seeing how some expect a whole team of developers to be on call. :slight_smile:

Please remember that the team takes pride in their work and the wonderful community that has built around their efforts and try to express any concerns in a respectful and constructive manner.

This is an online platform and technical issues cannot be ruled out 100% and technical stuff I have no idea ( :woman_shrugging:t2:). The team tries to address all issues that arise, and sometimes other more pressing matters may take precedence, although they may not be apparent to the end user.

It really makes a difference to try to be kind and understanding, because the team are dedicated, passionate people who work hard to bring the best OGS to everyone.

tl; dr It doesn’t matter if it’s free, that’s not the point. It’s worth enduring y’all :stuck_out_tongue: