Translingual Shiritori

0 1 2 3 4 5
0+ porto (lat.) Tomate (ger.) tela (lat.) nemo (lat.) Mono (esp.)
5+ nobile (lat.) le (fre.) lenticula (lat.) labi (chi.) bifida (lat.)
10+ dangera (epr.) lamella (lat.) lakto (epr.) toro (esp.) rotundo (lat.)
15+ dos (esp.) osmium (eng.) umbra (lat.) braser (rum.) Sardine (ger.)
20+ netra (san.) tralies (dut.) lissomai (a-gre.) ai (jap.) idol (eng.)
25+ olovo (rus.) volare (lat.) repas (fre.) baduk (kor.) ductus (lat.)
30+ oester (dut.) terza (rum.) zamock (rus.) oxymoron (eng.) ongaku (jap.)
35+ Kugel (ger.) elpend (o-eng.) pendulum (eng.) lumen (fre.) entrance (eng.)
40+ centris (lat.) triste (esp.) termite (eng.) tengo (esp.) gote (jap.)
45+ tekton (a-gre.) once (esp.) cessavi (lat.) vial (eng.) alose (fre.)
50+ Septiembre (esp.) revelatur (lat.) turnout (eng.) outher (a-gre.) herself (eng.)
55+ elfo (esp.) fodder (eng.) derme (yid.) melodramatic (eng.) tikka (hin.)
60+ kanji (jap.) jihad (ara.) addition (eng.) Schonheit (ger.) itch (eng.)
65+ chat (fre.) attitude (eng.) demonstra (lat.) rambunctious (eng.) ussier (fre.)
70+ jezioro (pol.) rodomontade (eng.) density (eng.) tyrannicidae (lat.) daimonion (a-gre.)
75+ onto (eng.) tonari (jap.) rinse (eng.) separavimus (lat.) Muskatness (ger.)
80+ usso (o-por.) somewhere (eng.) regimen (lat.) mensa (lat.) saturation (eng.)
85+ ongle (fre.) letto (lat.) tomb (eng.) ombra (ita.) bracchium (lat.)
90+ ume (jap.) metallic (eng.) ichi (jap.) chimbelle (m-eng.) leguan (chi.)
95+ angel (eng.) gellen (ger.) endemic (eng.) mica (lat.) cama (esp.)
100+ manwha (kor.) watashi (jap.) shibboleth (eng.) lethargy (eng.) gyrus (lat.)
105+ ustedes (esp.) destiny (eng.) nigiri (jap.) ride (eng.) descindo (lat.)
110+ doe (eng.) o’er (eng.) eres (esp.) rest (Westrobothnian) stallion (eng.)
115+ yoni (san.) onigiri (jap.) rideam (lat.) amplitude (eng.) depnesse (m-eng.)
120+ Sechs (ger.) exscindite (lat.) tenth (eng.) theremin (eng.) mino (Cebuano)
125+ nougaku (jap.) culmus (lat.) mustard (eng.) aarde (dut.) demonstrated (eng.)
130+ taedo (kor.) dominus (lat.) Nussbaum (ger.) umami (jap.) minanter (lat.)
135+ error (eng.) ordonnance (eng.) encyclopedie (fre.) Dienstag (ger.) aggravated (eng.)
140+ edicta (lat.) taboo (eng.) bouger (fre.) scherscha (rum.) chanticleer (eng.)
145+ -erant (lat.) ante (lat.) tenemos (esp.) moscardino (ita.) nowhere (eng.)
150+ nowhere (eng.) ereptor lat.) organ (eng.) ganymede (fre.) delicate (eng.)
155+ cater (Ladin) tertius (lat.) use (eng.) yuzu (jap.) zufallig (ger.)
160+ igo (jap.) gonnorhoe rheostat (ger.) atari (jap.) toenail (jap.)
165+ illabor (lat.) bored (eng.) hors d’oeuvre (fre.) vermicelli (ita.) linguistics (eng.)
170+ ixi (lat.) xin (chi.) shima (jap.) majong (can.) ongar (Faroese)
175+ arachnophobia (eng.) iaculor (lat.) origami (jap.) mynet (o-eng.) eternal (eng.)
180+ alligator (lat.) ordain (eng.) Einzahl (ger.) zapatos (esp.) somma (eng.)
185+ manga (jap.) gar (eng.) arzigogolato (ita.) lato (pol.) topical (eng.)
190+ caligae (lat.) aer (Zeelandic) Eireannach (iri.) ache (eng.) cheliu (man.)
195+ liuto (ita.) utore (lat.) remember (eng.) *bhero (PIE) robin (eng.)
200+ binomial (eng.) allons (fre.) onze (Walloon) zerfleischt (ger.) Ishtar (Akkadian)

I’ve got to pause now or I’ll get a headache. There’s perhaps the same again to add.

If anyone else wants to table up the rest then be my guest :wink:

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No clue if you are accepting new applicants for words, but if you are then…
Calendario - Spanish

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Yeah, I’m just taking a break in adding to the table. I will probably come back to it tonight.

riordinare (tidy up) – Italian

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Would aren’t work? I don’t know if using apostrophes are allowed.

I think it’s OK to have:

  • the contractive apostrophe (eg. can’t, won’t)
  • the “apologetic apostrophe” in Scots, where a letter that would be there in English isn’t present
  • the glottal apostrophe in some foreign languages

But is it OK to have the possessive apostrophe (cat’s, dogs’)? That’s not so clear.

btw I’m not sure when I’ll get around to tabling the rest of the words

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I’m gonna ignore the apostrophe:

rentumo (interest to be paid) – Esperanto

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monstrosity - english


tympana (drums) – Latin

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nap - english
Sorry if you don’t want this thread to bump. I am bored and I am doing what this thread is made for. It has also only been inactive for 10 days.


Approximativement - approximatively (french).

Enticed - English

cedar - the tree Lebanon was once famous for.

arch - english

Can’t you just keep doing lamella?

chocolate - the delicious treat

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I think that you are technically supposed to change the language each time someone goes, although I don’t think it matters any more as long as there is a variety within the words.

telephone - eng

necro - What you should not do to old threads :slight_smile:

There are no rules against doing that. There is a rule about it having to have a purpose though. People don’t want threads bumped for no reason.
