Turn off Best Sequence in AI Review

I really like the interactive AI review option, where you see the best 3-5 moves available on the board and nothing else, and can explore those iteratively. However, after a full AI review, clicking on the ‘best’ move (in blue) displays a distracting, long ‘best sequence’ which makes the board hard to read. This kind of thing:

The only way I’ve found to avoid this is to make two meaningless moves in the corner, and then explore the ‘best move’. In the example above, this gives the much more readable:

Of course, this solution is cumbersone, and it can be hard to find two ‘meaningless’ moves. Is there a way to simply turn off this ‘best sequence’ display for AI review, and show only the interactive AI calculations (showing the best move in the current position)?


I think this setting is what you’re looking for


Under Game Preferences in Settings.


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