Twitch Plays Go, all-day (Apr 28) special event on!

with all due respect, the movie was started in Kickstarter back in 2012, filmed in 2013, but "The film debuted at the American Documentary Film Festival in Palm Springs, CA, on April 3, 2017. " Imagine the shock when I saw Go Seigen in the film.

What took them so long to put it out?

I would guess they ran into some hiccups in post production and didnā€™t want to release until they were satisfied with the end product (from what Iā€™ve seen, it was worth it)

Not a big company behind it but simply Go lovers. Plus, considering the quality of the film, Iā€™d think they are perfectionists :slight_smile:


A list of all streamers who put up ads:

  • BattsGo
  • DanielML001
  • usrbun
  • hanayeol
  • PaytonBigsby
  • CatsPlayGo
  • NationalGoCenter
  • Clossius
  • Ryodakun (who made the Batts MLG video)

I donā€™t know, maybe hiccups as in ā€œrunning out of moneyā€. LOL

Not uncommon with kick starters