Un-disqualify players that are wrongly marked as Disqualified in tournaments due to fake timeout during upgrade

The following players shouldn’t be disqualified in tournaments because they ‘timeout’ a game during server upgrade and the game has been recovered, but the game result and disqualification status have not been recovered.

In tournament: https://online-go.com/tournament/23029

Sadaharu shouldn’t be disqualified and the result between Sadaharu and hokaw should be set to ? (the wrongly-timeout game has been recovered (https://online-go.com/game/7338223)

Rieux shouldn’t be disqualified and the result between Rieux and Sadaharu should be set to (the wrongly-timeout game has been recovered (https://online-go.com/game/7338211)

SanDiego shouldn’t be disqualified and the result between SanDiego and Sadaharu should be set to ? (the wrongly-timeout game has been recovered (https://online-go.com/game/7338220)

@anoek There are many other cases like these, so it would be great if you could grant the tournament director the ability to un-disqualify/re-qualify players (at least temporarily), otherwise many tournaments might be severely affected :anguished: Thanks in advance!


Thank you @gamesorry for mentioning my name.

Other than the fake timeout games that have already been recovered, I think the games that ended by timeout soon after the upgrade should be recovered as well… I lost several games by timeout and was disqualified from several tournaments and ladders simply because I didn’t know what time the upgrade ended…

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@matburt I just found that you were able to un-disqualify players. Could you also do us a favor to unDQ the following players in the tournaments? (I can adjust the points myself :wink: )


eso fue exactamente lo q me paso a mi y por lo q veo sigo descalificado del torneo https://online-go.com/tournament/15379 , alguien podria hacerce cargo de eso??