(un)Ranked automatons

I do like the idea of ranking players through well balanced bots that can emulate different playing strengths. However, I do feel that currently there are few bots that can emulate weaker play strengths adequately. Making all bots able to deliver ranking points is particularly tricky since their weaknesses are often directly attached to their glitch factor.

As example I’ll use the gnu-go moyo dilemma;

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I’m not sure if your post is a question or an observation, or a suggestion :smiley:

However, as I understand it, we currently don’t get ranked from our games against the bots for this exact reason.


As I understand it, we currently do get ranked from our games against the bots, thus being the reason for this post.

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Can you demonstrate where a game against a Bot got you ranked?

I’m pretty sure it doesn’t, because I was trying to get my Dev-player ranked on the Dev server and it didn’t work to do that against GnuGo there…

I think the post is arguing that although bots can currently play ranked games, this should not be allowed.

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Yeah I misread, and edited thusly :smiley:


I don’t personally play games with bots on OGS but my source is this recent conversation:

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The above quote, taken from a different thread, refers to Master Mantis. Just to clarify, here’s an example of a bot-ranked game: https://online-go.com/game/10220568.

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Huh! Well, I learned something :slight_smile:


So what is correct here? Do we get ranked or not when playing ranked games against bots?

I swear that I have seen a posting (from someone on the OGS team, IIRC) that said ranked games against bots are only for ranking the bot itself, not the human.


– Musash1


As pretty much all my games on this account are against bots I can say that one gets ranked by playing against bots.


AFAIK (unless something changed recently) only some bots should be able to play ranked games. So it’s not the same for every bot.


AFAIK, ranked games against bots were always allowed, but they effectively didn’t count because all the bots were provisional until they completed an enormous number of games—on the order of 10,000 for Kugutsu, if memory serves. The number of required games differed from bot to bot (it was listed on each bot’s profile), which may tie in with @Adam3141’s comment above. Of course, games against provisional players become effective in the ranking after the account is no longer provisional (including bots). When Glicko came in, I saw a statement somewhere that this long provisional status for bots was eliminated (indeed, the number is no longer displayed on the bot profiles). Hence, bot games appear to be ranked and effective, presumably after the standard 5-game provisional status.