Unable to add a specific user as friend

I have trouble of adding a specific user as friend:

Star_S (1301480)

We both can’t see each other in the friends list (including offline), and the notification inbox is empty. But when one of us trying to click the “Add Friend” button, there is a popup says that “Already invited to be your friend” and nothing happens.

Please help.

Have you tried checking your home/welcome page for pending requests (on the right or lower right) ? I think they might display there too.

(on this page :

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Thank you for answering. Yeah, I tried. There is just nothing shows below the friends list.

These are my screenshots, I will ask my friend for her screenshots tomorrow.

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Summoning @anoek — maybe he can tell what’s happening and do something about it.

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Did you both send friend requests and cleared all notifications? Clearing a notification is equivalent to refusing a friend request, and once cleared, it’s lost and you can’t be invited again.

that seems like a bug, not a feature.


I don’t know whether she did, but I didn’t. I have never received a friend request.

I don’t think anyone said it’s a feature :joy:

I’ll add the “bug” tag to the GitHub issue possibility re-inviting friend if accidentally closed the request · Issue #2056 · online-go/online-go.com · GitHub


Maybe she still has a request from you that she haven’t yet seen (or agreed)?