Upcoming changes to the Play page and general time settings

Possibly, also possible that they have their rank restrictions set so it doesn’t match. It could also be just outside the default threshold of acceptance (3), the rank difference could be 3.1 etc.


Oh! IMHO (in my handicap-loving opinion) that’s a really strict default threshold. Since the rank difference is rounded down for computing handicap, we’ll see at most 2 stones of handicap unless they happen to be exactly 3 ranks apart.

I’d encourage you to expand that at least up to ±4.999 by default. Four stones isn’t too weird, is it?


Could we please have opponent’s rank displayed relative to yours? The current system already works this way behind the scenes - it moves up and down with rank changes and is limited to ±9 ranks anyway. Instead of showing absolute rank values, which can be confusing, it’d be much clearer to just show something like ‘±3’ directly. Makes more sense that way.


13 13 live long time
Couldn’t find a match at all wait 28 minutes something and the searching just gave up on his own
I wish I could select more than one time setting, it’s inconvenient to wait while maybe there are people in the 13 13 live rapid time…

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Could you tell when and what was your search precisely? That could help.

It’s was 30 minutes ago with 13 per13 , long live time setting ~
I know i don’t search games at pick time it’s why i wish i could multi select more time setting options and size board…

I think this is on its way :crossed_fingers:


I think what most people will interpret from “3 stones threshold” is “up to 3 stones of handicap”. Should the system interpret this as “3.99” instead of “3.00”?

Indeed, even up to 9 stones isn’t weird at all. As a system default, I think “up to 9 stones of handicap” is good, because it maximizes opponents within the bounds of standard handicap sizes. Players that want to wait longer for fewer stones can reduce their personal threshold.

Maybe the problem is that the same default is being used for both handicap and non-handicap games.

  • For non-handicap games, the settings define how lopsided an expected game result should be. A system default of “up to 3.00 ranks away” makes sense.
  • For handicap games, the settings define how lopsided the starting position should be (but not the expected game result). A system default of “up to 9 stones of handicap” makes sense.

To be coherent, I think you need really two separate sliders.

  • How lopsided can the initial position be? (max handicap stones, defaults to 9, hidden and interpreted as “0” if someone turns off handicap games")
  • How lopsided can the expected game result be? (max rank difference after subtracting handicap, defaults to 3, hidden and interpreted as “0.99” if someone turns off non-handicap games)

Haven’t tried to use the main OGS site in a while - is there a way to select non-ranked games on the new “Quick Match” page, particularly when attempting to start a game with a bot that doesn’t allow ranked games? It seems like this isn’t possible right now, which means you can have a bot listed but literally no way to start a game with settings that won’t be rejected.

In the past when starting a game against a bot you’d get the chance to configure settings against it like in the custom game page, but when switching to the custom game page there’s no longer a way to select the bot.

You can access custom settings of a specific bot by clicking on his name (you can do this in his profile
page) and select challenge.
There is a little trick to reach the profile page more easely: you select his name in the quick game page and then click on the little box with arrow on the right ( don’t click play).

Last, there are some reported bugs with challenging some bots, so that you won’t be surprised if this happens.

A few small tweaks to improve things:

  1. The green “Searching for game” message covers up part of the game list at the bottom of the page. I’m guessing you have it styled as “position: absolute” to pin it to the bottom of the screen, but this has the effect of it taking it out of the page’s height calculation. An easy solution is to make an empty div as a spacer that’s the same height as the “finding you a game” message and put it on the page after the game list.
  2. In that game list, each game should have an “accept” button. It does no good to see these games that I may be interested in joining, only to not be able to do anything about it! You can literally just copy the “short games” section from the “custom games” tab, and put it here at the bottom of the “quick match” tab. Literally no changes are needed. Then we will have the green “accept” buttons, so we can join games :slight_smile:

By the way, you don’t need to filter that list based on my quick match selection. I’m fine with it showing other sizes and times. Because sometimes I may create a 9x9 request, but if I see that a friend of mine has a 13x13 out there. So I’ll join that. Or even a 19x19 if one piques my interest. I’m pretty flexible. So again, you don’t need to filter it specially on the “quick match” tab, you can just copy it straight over.

  1. (BUG) Joining a game does not cancel your open game request. So, if I create a quick match, then hop over to the custom game page to look at the list. Then join one of those games. I will sometimes hear “game started” like 3 moves into the game I joined. Because my “quick match” was still open and hadn’t been cancelled. But it should be cancelled. I already joined a game, you see :slight_smile:
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Another person who (reasonably) thinks that quick matches are in “Available Games”?

I think it would look better if we sorted the oldest game offers to the top where they can be relatively stable and also attract needed attention, while the bottom of the list jumps around a lot but can be ignored.

You could arbitrarily cut down on the noise by hiding offers that are less than x seconds old. A CSS fade-in might also help it look less jumpy.


Thanks. Any ways to make this a better experience? This was really not obvious to me, I’m guessing some other users could get tripped up on this too.


How do I play an unranked game against a bot? It used to be possible but I can’t find any way now.

Just a few posts up

Thanks Groin.