Upgrade from Dan to Pro supporter: Did it work?

Hi, I just upgraded from Dan to Pro supporter. The payment was successful but I’m not sure if the upgrade really went through and I’m having the Pro AI benefits now. How can I check my current supporter level? (When going here Play Go at online-go.com! | OGS it still highlights Dan… ). Thanks for your answer. Bye, Stefan

try to play game, if it will have AI review level III , then it works


Maybe log out and log in again?

It would be nice to have a place where this information is displayed.

I wish also see the expiring day for my subscription.
This could be of little use for those who pay monthly, but as an annual subscriber I could find it useful.

So: type of subscription and expiring date.


On the supporter page you have the expiration month and the price you payed (so you can deduct the level you have).


Check the drop down AI review menu from any of your completed game and see if you can choose pro AI level ?

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It actually shows III. Perfect then. Thanks.


Where is it?