Upgrading to Slate & Shell stones from Glass worth it?

I think you’ll know yourself what you want.

I’ve maybe being playing go 2-3 years, also just getting glass stones for Christmas :slight_smile: I had just a set that I got from a local shop which came with bowls a board and some plastic stones, and before that I just had this learn to Learn to Play go pack (https://www.bookdepository.com/Game-Go-Pack-Matthew-MacFadyen/9781780974248). (The plastic ones below aren’t too bad, they work for playing/reviewing games but hopefully the glass ones will look/feel cooler :slight_smile:)

For second hand stones this recent post might interest you Store.Baduk.Club - A new online shop for Go Equipment!

Also feel free to stop by the forums to chat, for Go advice on problems, or for reviews etc or even to share IRL go pictures Playing Go IRL pictures :slight_smile: