(USA) Alan Huang Within Striking Range to World Amateur Go Championship Trophy; Canada Finished 13th in WAGC


Round 7/7 Table 1 Game Record

Alan Huang built a lead but Kim Jung-Seon of S. Korea cameback in round 7 to sweep the 43rd WAGC. Huang was 5th by SOS. China took 2nd-place. Canadian rep Manuel Velasco finished 13th.

AGA E-Journal has the final standings.


Is it safe to assume that the top players in the World Amateur Go Championships are approaching or around 1p (or more) in strength?

Are inseis in professional-track go schools allowed to compete in the WAGC?

I don’t know Alan Huang, but I know Jonas Welticke who finished at #7.
Jonas is a strong EGF 6d from Germany (currently #36 on the EGF rating list).
He won the CEGO Grand Slam 2022, beating 3 European pros along the way.
So he’s not quite pro level, but not far removed from it, I’d say.


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More pictures from the USA Rep Alan Huang for the 43rd

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