Using a physical goban for analysis in disabled correspondence game

This poll

shows that the majority of players want analysis on by default in correspondence games, which suggests that they use it.

P.S. See also this poll

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Also yes!

I think there are lots in both camps which is great! What I’m less sure about is how, in practice, you can impose conditions on opponents in correspondence.


What we can prove is when you have a list of 20 (50, 100 to 1000?) games you just can’t deep read each move.

Players with 5 games deep reading are a minority in my opinion.

Now my guess is to keep the ability to analyse deeply even if you don’t (or do it rarely) is what makes it popular among corr players (myth have some psychological use), but i can understand the wish to deny it for some of them.

My time to disagreement. When playing a bunch of games in multiple live sessions i would even say that the quality may be lower.


If someone wants to play correspondence with analysis disabled, that’s none of my business, and I’m not objecting. The problem for players who want correspondence with analysis is that the disabling is not transparent in the game offer. Analysis on or off is an important game condition that should be in the offer list, which has a lot of white space and a useless category (the game name).


If you spend 1 minute per move on average, that’s already a lot for an amateur (if both players do that, the cumulated game time is about 4 hours). Doing that for 50 games seems feasible, you would spend on average 50 minutes per day playing correspondence games. Of course you can’t deep read 1000 simultaneous correspondence games but I don’t think many people have 1000 games at the same time.

Look at the second poll I linked, it says that among those who play correspondence games with analysis on, 54% use analysis to read sequences that they couldn’t read in their head.

If 1 move/game/day.
Quite an intense activity over something like 250 days of continuous play.
I can trust players with around a dozen of games at most to play them with a regular deep reading but not those many players with longer list.

Then it’s a kind of new practice of the game with some restricted deep reading, where you think you have to take care in only few cases, and be confident in the rest. Then this comes in balance with your opponent opinion too, what he will check or not.

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I was taking about extreme cases. Even when playing slow games, most people spend less than 1 minute/move on average. On the other hand, when they have to deal with a difficult position, they can take their time and explore variations more thoroughly than in a live game.

Sure. I was answering about the common use not mentioned at first, and so that driving a fast car on speed limited roads doesn’t make you a better driver.
So back to topic, some find it interesting even find enjoyment to push the analysis at times, and some will find it unfair and ask for limit.

That’s exactly the deal that maybe some players don’t agree with. They want a relaxed game with less constraints on their time schedule as with a full live game, but not this side of corr. games.

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This is pretty much my reason for wanting to keep the option to disable it as well. I’ll always have some games with it on (ladder games, other people’s custom offers, etc) so I’d like to keep it turned off in my own custom offers so I can get the needed practice in reading.