Variant Tournament

Instructions for the Govariants server

Create a game

To create a game you need to be logged-in. It’s possible to log-in as a guest without registering, but I recommend creating an account. If you have trouble with registering an account, please let me know.

On the starting page you can configure parameters for creating a new game. The variant baduk is preselected, which is right for this tournament.

  • Select the Pattern Rectangular with holes and copy-paste the following into the text input for the bitmap:
  • Increase Komi to 7.5.
  • Select the Time Control mode Fischer with 900s Main Time (= 15 minutes), 10s Increment and uncheck the Max checkbox.

Your settings should look like this:

After clicking Create Game you will be navigated to the page for your new game. It should look like this:

Click “Take Seat” and you’re ready to play! The other player(s) can find the new game via the games list, or you can send them the link.



Name Rank
Atorrante 7k
benjito 8k
calebjdastrup 1k
doh 1d
DoubleU 10k
Feijoa 11k
Fuseki3 5d
Jon Ko 4k
martin3141 2d
Sadaharu 6d
Tschej 4k
Valens 2k

Note: Valens is a friend of mine, I don’t know if he has an account on the forum, but you can contact them on the OGS main site: valens

Pairings (Round 1)

Black White
Sadaharu Fuseki3
doh martin3141
calebjdastrup Valens
Jon Ko Tschej
benjito Atorrante
DoubleU Feijoa

Please talk with the other player to schedule a time for the game (and mind possible time zone difference!). When the game is finished, the winner should please post a link to the game here.


doh - martin3141


JonKo vs Tschej


calebjdastrup VS Valens