Please make a robot that's 18k. Go to this forum and chat if you like or dislike this idea.
I actually don’t know of any OGS bots ranked between 10k and 20k (that is, since DDK-Bot shut down).
The closest-ranked bots we’ve got that accept challenges, afaik, are GnuGo at 8k and MinusGo at 25k.
RoyalZero is probably about the right strength for you right now, perhaps still a couple of stones weaker, but it doesn’t accept challenges. I don’t want to speak on his behalf, but roy7 (its operator) might well let you play a few games against it on request. That said, RoyalZero is constantly getting updated with new, stronger versions of Leela Zero, which is getting self-trained.
Other alternatives are of course to download Leela / GnuGo and select an easy setting or lower the playouts, or look for a DDK bot on KGS.
You also have to understand that every bot that plays on OGS is run by an individual on their own hardware, not by the site. So there’s no point in asking the site admins to run a bot of any kind.
As I described recently (New Bot Created a Game), Bmobot (currently 20k) appears to be an unregistered bot. It hasn’t played in a couple weeks, however, so I don’t know if it is still running. When I first saw it in November, it was playing at 18k or 19k as I recall.
I too would love something between GnuGo and MinusGo.
@Joshuaplays @raacampbell How about you two play together
I was about to post exactly this. I’m a beginner, about 25k and minusGo is too easy and GnuGo is too hard. I love OGS but I’ve had to look to mobile apps for bot practice.
It would be great if we could have a 25k bot, a 20k bot and a 15k bot!
MinusGo seems to have just go much stronger.
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