I made a group, since a lot of people don’t enjoy a mirrored opening. Exploring Mirror Go
I need a “I hate mirror Go with a passion but love watching people doing it” group xD
So how a bout a mirror Go tournament?
How about a game where both players try to play mirror go?
mirror quad Go?
Same group
I’m in.
Any thoughts on tournament setup?
2 rounds round-robin correspondence?
Then everyone gets to play mirror against everyone once (2nd rounds the roles switch).
Maybe a special tournament rule: if White mirrors, Black is not allowed to play Tengen before move 100?
That’s a lot!
I was thinking maybe mirroring required for N moves (each), then mirror breaking allowed. For both sides. with N maybe … 10?
Maybe it’s enough if players agree to start with mirror go. But I wonder how to decide who should use the mirror go strategy in the beginning, Black or White.
It is a bit strange to have the extra constraints on both sides. The usual dynamic a bit more adversarial - one player is trying to mirror, the other player is trying to make mirror a bad strategy.
Black decides, right? if he plays tengen, then he intends to mirror. else white does.
I’d play too ! ^^
Depending on restrictions, at least – personally, I’d prefer this :
As restrictions seem to affect and limit the strategies and it’d be fun to practise countering mirror Go however possible also.
Looking simple and fair.
Although it could be enough to let players decide when breaking the mirror, maybe a minimum of moves played could be stated? I dunno.
This seems a bit restrictive. 100 moves is quite a lot, and it is normally a valid option for to break mirror with tengen at any time. Should there be a similar restriction that a mirroring player keeps following for X moves?
What about the possibility of “counter-mirroring”?
White initially mirrors Black, then Black plays at tengen and starts mirroring White’s moves after that.
I was more thinking along the lines that Black could prevent White from mirroring whenever they want, which seems to be a bit sad in a mirror tournament, and not in the spirit of a mirror tournament. But a ‘counter mirror’ is an interesting idea.
Looking at those who’ve joined the group, I see that there is a wide range of skill. How do you think we should handle that in tournament setup?
Reverse komi? But i think any handicap (including komi) adds pressure to break the mirror
Would be funny to force the mirrorer to mirror longer based on skill, but i dont think it’s a very good handicapping system
We could try playing on even boards, like
With no tengen available, it seems like mirroring should be harder to break, and the non-standard size forces the games to be unranked.
I don’t think there was ever a 16x16 or 18x18 tournament, so those would be exciting new experiments.