Want to try mirror go?

I made a group, since a lot of people don’t enjoy a mirrored opening. Exploring Mirror Go


I need a “I hate mirror Go with a passion but love watching people doing it” group xD


So how a bout a mirror Go tournament? :slight_smile:


How about a game where both players try to play mirror go?

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mirror quad Go?

Same group :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m in.

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Any thoughts on tournament setup?

2 rounds round-robin correspondence?

Then everyone gets to play mirror against everyone once (2nd rounds the roles switch).

Maybe a special tournament rule: if White mirrors, Black is not allowed to play Tengen before move 100?


That’s a lot!

I was thinking maybe mirroring required for N moves (each), then mirror breaking allowed. For both sides. with N maybe … 10?


Maybe it’s enough if players agree to start with mirror go. But I wonder how to decide who should use the mirror go strategy in the beginning, Black or White.


It is a bit strange to have the extra constraints on both sides. The usual dynamic a bit more adversarial - one player is trying to mirror, the other player is trying to make mirror a bad strategy.


Black decides, right? if he plays tengen, then he intends to mirror. else white does.


I’d play too ! ^^

Depending on restrictions, at least – personally, I’d prefer this :

As restrictions seem to affect and limit the strategies and it’d be fun to practise countering mirror Go however possible also.

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Looking simple and fair.

Although it could be enough to let players decide when breaking the mirror, maybe a minimum of moves played could be stated? I dunno.


This seems a bit restrictive. 100 moves is quite a lot, and it is normally a valid option for to break mirror with tengen at any time. Should there be a similar restriction that a mirroring player keeps following for X moves?

What about the possibility of “counter-mirroring”?

White initially mirrors Black, then Black plays at tengen and starts mirroring White’s moves after that.


I was more thinking along the lines that Black could prevent White from mirroring whenever they want, which seems to be a bit sad in a mirror tournament, and not in the spirit of a mirror tournament. But a ‘counter mirror’ is an interesting idea.


Looking at those who’ve joined the group, I see that there is a wide range of skill. How do you think we should handle that in tournament setup?

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Reverse komi? But i think any handicap (including komi) adds pressure to break the mirror

Would be funny to force the mirrorer to mirror longer based on skill, but i dont think it’s a very good handicapping system

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We could try playing on even boards, like

With no tengen available, it seems like mirroring should be harder to break, and the non-standard size forces the games to be unranked.

I don’t think there was ever a 16x16 or 18x18 tournament, so those would be exciting new experiments.