Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

I actually meant on the OGS main site :rofl:
I think I was an 19k or somewhere around that at some point during game one, and I am a 16k!

Also in a sense I failed all 3 games. g1- too confused, g2- fell apart, g3- argued over nothing g0- didn’t read. Except for the part about the lunatic. I want to be the person that’s goal is to die. It sounds like fun :smiley:

Correction: I have read the part about fiddle being the protector and dying day 2, and the first post, and vsotvep being the lunatic, but that is it. Well and I know some participants.

I came up with a question. Vsotvep, how do you remove the holes from your shape? Or does your shape have none?