Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

Maybe i would be a game master so I won’t need to play, but watch things develop! Still, I need to announce stuff.

I’ll just play.

I don’t think that’s a good idea. Being a game master is an even bigger commitment than playing. If you want to just watch, you can just watch.

I can outsource the idea, I don’t have to absolutely be GM if someone else wants it :slight_smile:

EDIT: You might have been replying to ginger… But it’s 3 AM, forgive me.


Gia, I’m not worried about your ability to be a GM. I think you’d be fine with handling it by yourself.

I was responding to ginger, who was expressing a reluctance to even play again on concern about participation level, which I think would be problematic for them to function as a GM.


I thought you meant it’s not a good idea to have 2 GMs, not me specifically.

Well we all know that I want to play too!!!

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Actually, I think it’s a good idea to have two GMs. It helps to share the burden between two people. The only downside is that it means one less person available to play. We’ve been moving in a good trend of building more interest each time we play, so maybe in future iterations we’d have enough people interested in order to have two GMs and maybe even some substitutes lined up.


I think this would work if both GMs are on the same page regarding what kind of game they want to run.


Or a Jekyll/ Hyde situation. Which would be chaotic (but intriguing. But chaotic, nevertheless).


When are we going to have another werewolf game? I think I’ve watched enough so I know the rules now.


In order for us to have a game, someone must volunteer to be the game manager. I would prefer to be able to play in the game, but if I had to, I would be the manager. Once someone volunteers/decides to be the game manager, they create a sign up thread with the rules and people can post there if they want to join. After enough people join, the manager chooses a start date, and on that start date creates a thread for the game and the game starts. At that point, we have another werewolf game.


I can’t be the game master unless we change the time zone of the game as I won’t be on at when we usually end and start phrases.
Also I won’t prefer to be it because sometimes I am just way too lazy.

The GM will decide when the phases change. I think it would be best if someone with more experience then me or you ran it, though.


What do you mean here?

Also when phrases change for my time u r probably offline but I still like the fact that phrases change exactly 12am here like how the day stats.

A phase in this context is a day-cycle or night-cycle. A phrase is a coherent consecutive sequence of words.