Werewolf S06: An Emperor in Atari

Traitor?! You injure me, Lord El Ka-Oz. Is there a man among us who, given the opportunity, wouldn’t off old Isaakios without reservation? I am a patriot.

Let us band together. Report me to the guards as an assassin if you must, but for the sake of us all let’s take care of the God forsaken emperor first.




OOC: Public Service Announcemnt

We need all (alive) players to please participate in the discussion. @Haze_with_a_Z & @claire_yang have been particularly absent today. We hope to hear from them before 2021-02-16T18:00:00Z

Thank you.


@KAOSkonfused I just want to say I’ve been pretty upfront about my personal reason for not able to participate on a regular basis during this period of time. And being the first to contract the disease to not able to speak seems to be a suspicious reason in itself.

And I’ve got the strange vibe why you so eager to focus suspension on me particularly while we already know @Nightstalker was the seer, and your own posts repeatedly listed more than me as probably, but not sure.

I also find your claim troublesome

Why would you assume one over the other? Unless you have some information that the rest of us don’t know, and wish to steer the conversation that way, so we innocent would assume we still have the majority, so when there is only 5 left, assassins plus the converted coward would be able to swing the vote by just one player. Where us less active players would be the prime targets to put suspicious on and get voted off easily without being able to defend our positions.

From your action tonight, I’d say @KAOSkonfused you are not only more suspicious than me, but most likely we already have a converted coward among us.


This is the kind of defense I would suspect from an assassin like you probably are one, Clement. @claire_yang

I’ll repeat my complete reasoning for you and everyone else – although of course I don’t expect you to ever agree with me.

Regarding the “coward-problem”:

it is definitely possible that one of the so far innocent people is now an assassin – in that case, it wouldn’t help to know who had been innocent yesterday – , but we simply can’t know, so for now we should, in my humble opinion, work with the assumption that there are only two assassins. That is the only way to make use of the information we already have.
And only when there should come a moment when two assassins have been killed, but it turns out there’s still one left, only then we can truely know.

Because, we already have collected a lot of valuable information on the previous nights. Okay, Clement, you may have been tired and sleepy for a good reason, but you can’t blame it on me that you now have no arguments for your claim to be innocent.

And I will also bring forward again the reasons why I think the other prisoners that were not checked by the seer are innocent:

And no, I can’t be completely sure about any of them – like I already said. But this is all we have, the seer is dead, and after executing Ruby, we will have to make our own decisions based on what was said and done by whom.


So one being accused can never defend oneself, or they would be seen as suspicious that is your whole argument? (while you did it is not?) And what you said about me all applied to Haze. And I voted for nightstalker a piece of evidence against me? The previous voting ended early than expected, and had to be reopened, remember? So why assume an unforeseen event lead to Haze’s late voting as evidence? If you didn’t bring it up I would say you are like 50% suspicious, now I feel you are 90% suspicious.

And all your talk about “we” already collected a lot of valuable information from on the previous nights, and they are just still very vague terms like someone is expressing doubts (which I also did), being quiet, and believing nightstalker in the beginning, etc. From my point of view, your replies are more defensive than mine, by repeating no-information and just stating the obvious.

You also still haven’t explained your “intuition” that leads to the claim of the smuggler protects the right target is more likely than coward is being converted? Where you just selectively emphasize one part of your claim. BTW, you post that paragraph early this night, right after you “clarify” “the coward has no idea that he is a coward” post. And you seem to be the only one to “edit” their posts, once of them twice. Try to remove quotes, related to Vsotvep’s content. Are you trying to hide something and try to get away with one should not edit their post unless it’s grammar error, etc?


No, it’s apparently not my whole argument – I listed my arguments above. If you should actually be innocent, which I believe less and less, please go back over everything that had been said before, during the previous nights.

No, I don’t see that as evidence against you. There is no evidence against you. But neither is there any evidence for you.
While for everyone else I have a good reason to believe they could be innocent. That is my point, which you seemed to have missed.

It’s not intuition, it’s logic. Yeah, we can assume that one of the people who used to be innocent is now an assassin, but that won’t help us in making our decision – it will even hinder us to make a good decision, because under that assumption we won’t be able to use any of the information we got so far.

So, there’s no use in getting distracted by the possible, maybe non-existent third assassin. It is much more reasonable to focus on the second assassin, who had been there all along.



I just checked what happened there. Two posts by me were automatically edited, it seems (I didn’t know that was possible… :flushed: ) to remove a quote from the post above. One of them I edited then to put a quote in again, because I was confused about the missing quote (didn’t know at that point why it was gone).

@Leira @Gia , can you please check that and confirm? Afaik, the forum won’t let everybody check what was edited, is that correct? Can you see it?

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This kind of “reasoning” is what I say - try to “sway” opinions. Forgetting that this information in itself is a piece of a clue. And you put me in a situation where I didn’t say enough the previous night as evidence, while no one will be able to defend themselves.

And be “reasonable” to focus on the second assassin while disregarding and deflecting a chance of a third assassin? If the coward is being voted out would rat out the remaining assassin and win the game for us right away. Try to diverge a vote toward an innocent would be exactly the tactic the assassins would use to increase the chance of majority for the assassins.

Consider if the name of the innocent on Nightstalker’s list is me, and now Haze is the target of El Ka-Oz, would it be any different? Switch our names, all of El Ka-Oz’s statements seem to still fit, like a blanket term to apply to less active players.


OOC: Edits made within the first 5 minutes of posting don’t count as edits as far as discourse is concerned. Edits made after that window of time are shown in some sort of timeline, wiki style (by clicking on the little pencil icon on the upper right corner).

We ask that the players be mindful of their edits, preferably not edit their posts at all; but at the very least, if it can’t be helped for some reason, that they indicate what and why it was edited.

EDIT: Like this, edited after 5 min for effect. Also I guess that grammar or spelling edits are ok.

EDIT 2: discourse has some inscrutable policies with unintended effects. It seems like the system made some automatic edits. There’s some sort of warning there.


OoC/ afaik
If you quote a full post as-is, Discourse automatically deletes the quote and the post appears as edited. If you requote the same thing, it leaves it alone.
I usually omit the last punctuation (full stop, question mark etc) to go around that.



@Gia Gia, as a “Regular”, I think Discourse gives you the option to check edits made by other users, so could you as a game master check the edits on my posts and confirm that I didn’t change the content and meaning of my posts?
That’s kind of important to me, because I don’t want to appear untrustworthy within the game only due to these automatic edits.

OOC: I don’t see a problem with any posts, if I missed something please link the specific post so I can check again.

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I think Clement has defended himself well, but hasn’t necessarily made a strong case against El Ka-Oz. Our ship is sitting on a flat ocean with no way to move forward. Apparently we are never going to reach an agreement about the identity of the remaining assassin. Therefore the challenge for us in tomorrow’s vote is to look for inconsistencies between what is said today and what is voted for tomorrow. That way we might be able to determine whether the assassin is voting alone or with assistance from a former innocent.

So we need to hear from everyone before this nightshift ends. If you had to decide today, who would you vote to execute as the remaining assassin?

Here’s what I’m seeing:

I would vote for Zal (Lord Haze).
El Ka-Oz would vote for Clement.
Clement would vote for El Ka-Oz.
Lord Bugcat would vote for me. (Is that still your position Marco?)
Vsotvep, what do you think? Can you communicate this to us?
And we really need to hear from Lord Haze, who I fear may have suffered a seizure.




I don’t understand…


I think he said, “We shouldn’t vote for Lord Ruby because he’s obviously innocent. Fiddlehead’s the assassin, we should report him.”

I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me and I agree. :grin:



:crescent_moon::arrow_down: :rooster::speech_balloon::man_shrugging::skull: :arrow_right::crescent_moon::sunny: :dagger::thought_balloon::rooster::thought_balloon: :arrow_right::arrow_right: :crescent_moon::sunny::crescent_moon::dagger::skull: :x::man_shrugging:


Vsotvep, how about this. Just give us a series of checkmarks to correspond with a number on this list of suspects. Remember, we’ll take a half-baked theory over nothing at all.

1 Fiddlehead
2 Bugcat
3 Kaos
4 Claire
5 Haze

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I think, Vsotvep is trying to explain why he can’t tell us now who he would vote for tomorrow night.

Translation attempt:
He is sure that when this night ends, Ruby will be dead.
He has no idea who else will be dead when the next night starts (because someone will have been killed by the assassin(s)).
So, when the night ends, Vsotvep can’t say who will (should?) die the following night and day (??). The assassins think (that?) Vsotvep thinks that the following night no one will be killed. Don’t know.

So yeah, I guess Vsotvep is right (if I understand him correctly). If everyone would have to stick to what they are saying today, as Fiddlehead proposed, we won’t report anyone to the assassins on the following night and the assassins can be happy…

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