Werewolf S06 Kibitz Garden

I love reading, but factually a 667-word answer isn’t a tl;dr. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve been imagining the University of California, Santa Barbara, in particular.

Ahhh Santa Barbara so lovely a city and so unaffordable…

Claire, your findings on the contacts between the Later Roman Empire and the Chinese was very interesting. Of course they had contact and knew of each other. After all how else did they get silk? And eventually the silk worm? That is an interesting story to look up for you! Lol. Because Constantinople was such a great center of trade, they had contact in way or another with most of the known world.

Also interestingly enough there was no Byzantine Empire. No one ever referred to it as that while it existed. They were Romans as far as they were concerned. The part of the empire that survived. Even to this day if you go to certain parts of the middle East you may here Churches or areas, or people referred to as Rum.

I must confess Chinese history is one I do not know much about. It is a deficiency on my part.

Sorry, I just wanted to point out that you didn’t need to read the whole thread, but just two posts. I guess if 667 words seems too much, then maybe you can “live without knowing” :wink:

@Leira provided a reasonable and concise summary that’s much shorter than 667 words. However, I just want to note an important background detail that was omitted,

Spoiler (or Cliffs Notes)

Samantha was a doctor working in New York City.

This has implications for the recent installment of her story, since, in Ben’s nightmare, the wave that crashes down on her is a metaphor for the pandemic arriving in the city and taking her life, while she stood her ground and held the line at her post in the hospital.

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FTR, I did read those 667 words.
Still not a tl;dr. :wink:

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I did not understand what a sitting shiva was. So that means… :open_mouth: :frowning: :anguished: :scream:… yebellz! you evil-…evil-… nooooooooo!


Sooooo, we’re getting ghosts next time I presume?

I remember saw that in the documentary, and I looked up my old history textbook it also just refer to it as Eastern Roman Empire. I think I am just not that familiar with history outside of East Asia.

Interestingly there are also records about the original Roman Empire in Chinese records call it 大秦 during the Han Dynasty since the 2nd century BC, and some later records as late as the 16th century in the Ming Dynasty still considered them as separate “nations” in the far west across the “Western Sea” (the Mediterranean Sea).

They seemed to think Europe is completely separated from Asia, and lack knowledge of Africa, but knew that there is another landmass across the Bering Strait (North America).


It is also implied by Ben and his daughter running low on milk.

No, Sam is gone, and not coming back as a ghost.

However, there is perhaps more of her story to tell from earlier parts of her life, and how hers affected the lives of so many others.

Several decades later, an elderly woman from Lesotho is finally able to make a long-awaited trip to America. In an important part of her journey, she finds the marker shaded under a mighty sycamore, and solemnly places a stone, while she quietly weeps.


The ancient maps are most interesting for what they know and do not know…

Interesting they thought Europe was disconnected.

Yes it was the Eastern Roman Empire. The empire had grown so large that they split into an Eastern and Western half ruled by coemperors. ( a very brief and obviously simplistic explanation)The West was overrun by βάρβαρος Barbarians. While the East lasted another thousand years. Actually by the last centuries it was hardly an empire and by the end just a city. The fall of the city is very interesting reading. Also Minis Tirith of the Lord of the Rings is based on some degree to Constantinople.

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Earlier Dynasty might have a better understanding than we thought. After the Mongol rule (the 13th and 14th centuries), lots of knowledge and old collections must have been lost.

The description from the Old book of the Tang Dynasty (舊唐書), and here is a video with the translation of this paragraph. Relatively accurate to a better degree.




And an even earlier record for the Rome Empire in the 3td century AD.



A most inteeresting video. Thanks for sharing. It seems they knew quite a bit!! As I stated before I am not surprised. There was so much trading going on.