Western Dan Challenge (Kyu player prizes too!) UPDATE: $1550 in prizes now!

Dan 3k+ 8fledermaus8 716
pt8o 587
Leiye 337
SDK 9k-4k :dolphin:Sofiam​:dolphin: 1024
Ehomba 321
TDBear42 229
DDK 10k-25k Zafnok 147
Paid Actor 107
DashaTabasco 72

Overall Results. Sever specific results coming soon.

I tried to be fair with my judgement so in order to be transparent I will say a few things.

Leiya will get a prize in the overall results but will not be eligible for the OGS specific prize due to sandbagging. The evidence suggest this was unintentional but the results cannot be ignored. I didn’t want to take away someone’s prize for unintentional rule breaking but I also cannot ignore OGS TOS and the spirit of the challenge.

The account TDBear42 seems to have an air-bagging result but the account has a history of air bagging in the past months before the challenge as well. But this account also has many games against other ranks as well. It was just disproportionate. It was not above 70% however so the prizes will still stand.

Paid Actor reached SDK within the challenge but it was at the very end of the month and the majority of games were played at the DDK level. Thus, I put this account in the DDK range. (Congrats on ranking up btw!)

Dasha Tabasco will receive a half prize in the overall section due to not reaching 100 games but still coming in 3rd place in the division. I wanted to give 3rd something :slight_smile:

Thank you all for bearing with me while I figure out all the prizes. I’m sorry for the delay but I am doing my best to get as accurate and fair results as I can.