What should be in the Go Memes Thread

Honstly, I’m torn (nothing new though :wink:).

I used to contribute more to the Go Memes thread, and I used to read much more there … and I don’t have anything against the occasional quip or a short chit-chat, but recently it’s become more than I personally would like … like, when I click my avatar image on top right and see “50 replies” and I go there, only to see a long series of text entries, which need MUCH more of my brain to digest, when I just came to see a few … what? Go Memes.

I’d also dearly wish that we’d not be divided over this “issue” …

And BTW, @yebellz, since you listed one of my text comments: that was exactly why I put it in hide tags :wink:—in order to NOT divert other people’s attention too much from the memes themselves.

For me it’s actually a very fuzzy line. Heisenbergian, so to speak: the closer you look, the fuzzier it gets.

So … I understand @yebellz’s points, and I also understand what made @Eugene do what he did (as you can also see from my “likes”). Usually I try carefully not to be ambivalent and/or ambiguous in what I say and do, but here it is … complicated.

Anyway, I’d rather want something like a “rule of thumb” than a strictly enforced rule here.

I hope I made myself intellegible :slight_smile:



A resolution was apparently found with the creation of the Go Memes Pedantry outflow thread.

On a related note, in the poll Go Memes! 🧐 - #2836 by bugcat it was established that half (7 / 14) people viewed video captions as belonging in the Go memes thread and that the other half were opposed to them being there, so I decided to stop posting them.



R U kidding?


No, he’s bugcat! :wink:

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