What to do against score cheating

Well, it looks like you want to play strictly by Japanese rules.

Actually โ€‹ :slight_smile: , โ€‹ the rules Iโ€™d want to play under would have,
territory scoring with an encore, where

to allow players to safely pass with an odd number of dame, resumptions donโ€™t go
from the normal phase to the encore unless, as part of the previous resumption,
at least one player chose to have the next resumption go the encore
(Under correct play, this part makes no theoretical difference;
it just lets players safely end and score sooner.)


komi has a โ€‹ โ€‹ โ€‹ plus or minus โ€‹ epsilon โ€‹ โ€‹ โ€‹ part, and that part determines

who would win a cycle that (L) from this post of mine doesnโ€™t resolve
who plays first in the encore if the encore is reached

(There are positions where the last part would matter, even assuming both that neither
player has passed yet and that both players play correctly from the position onward:
They involve miai values strictly between 0 and -1, or 0 and 1 under area scoring. โ€‹ example position โ€‹ )