When will chat bug be fixed

i feel it is a big issue when we literally have had it so long we have a name for it.

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Which chat bug?

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the one where it doesnt scroll down?

OGS has some bugs so it will be nice to tell us exactly what you call "chat bug " if you want an answer

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I think I’m hearing this one for the first time (but maybe I haven’t been paying attention). I think a more important bug with chat, is that sometimes long messages get truncated.

Anyways, the answer to the question is invariably going to be “probably it will take a while, but maybe anoek feels like fixing this particular problem with the next update.” Small chance though, there are still a lot more pertinent things going wrong, but who knows (well, anoek knows, maybe, or maybe nobody knows)?

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I have sometimes this problem with my phone when i inadvertently select some text. So just touching the screen works.
In any case please describe more precisely what happened as this is not a recurrent bug till now. The first thing a developer will want to do is to reproduce the bug if possible to solve it.


Chat not scrolling down has been there for over a year. You can fix it temporarily by refreshing but then you lose chat history. Many people answer lines from hours ago because of it, then go “ooops, not scrolled down”, it has become a tradition. I would deem it the most important chat bug by far.