Where to go from here…

I have read…

Graded Go vol. 1
Graded Go vol. 2x2
Graded Go vol. 3 140 problems in
Opening and middle game problems for kyu players 3/4ths in

38 basic Josekis by Davies (packed 4-4 josekis)
Endgame by Davies (was not very in depth for me)

Some of Tesuji book here and there…

Reading now…

The books not finished above
Getting strong at invasions

I reached expert in chess and have been tying those study and play strategies to Go. I feel very poor at fighting and disrupting moyos. I’m starting to get center at invasions but want to know if there are other books I could read instead or addition to that would help me with fighting… is Graded Go and its cousin kyu players middle and opening going to get me closer to there?

Thank you for your time.

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Maybe some inspo here?

Or this list?


Sounds like some books on middle game now like attack and defense or/and lessons in the fundamentals


Second @Groin’s suggestion, and add “Making Good Shape”. It has both theory chapters and lots of problems.

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There’re several great go books out there, but it’s kind of hard to recommend any book without knowing what your rank or aims are.

I’m self taught for the most part. Each time I thought I had a weak spot I would try to focus on them specifically i. e. if you have troubles invading try to invade all the time, if you lack in understanding how to play moyo game exclusively and so on. Treat those games as a training, you don’t need to worry if you’ll drop your rank in the process.

Getting reviews from stronger players and playing long serious games is another great instrument for improve. I advise finding a strong go friend or getting a teacher.

If you want something to watch, I like the way zchenmike(YouTube) does his reviews. Even if those are not your personal games being reviewed it still can be a good learning material.

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I got in the habit of watching games on Ogs. I was 10Kyu at best but changed my style recently so looking at revamping everything. I’m 12Kyu now. I am planning on playing in tournaments soon. I am lucky to have a do club around. For fun rather than rank. I’ll check out the Y channel.


I will second the suggestion to read a book on shapes. This is like trying to learn woodworking techniques, but you’ve skipped the lessons about what are the tools of the trade.