as the black stone, where to play to prevent cut?
This feels like a trick question, isn’t it just B6? That gives you two options to connect, making it impossible for white to cut.
(To be clear, I’m a very new player)
think more
The diagram has no letters/numbers on my webpage?
black connects at the south-west 4-4 point, white connects along the first line.
There is nothing else interesting to do so move 3 tenuki
If you tenuki, White can still capture 2 black stones. Maybe it was more interesting for Black to tenuki at move 1.
aah true, I looked at the move 2 cut and it didn’t work. i forgot to double check the liberties after the move 2 connection.
in that case if black doesn’t tenuki move 1 they should probably solid connect at 3-4 move 3, it’s better for ko threats later than either of the empty triangles
unless the 7-5 cut is interesting for black, then connecting at 6-4 could be considered
The correct way to describe the correct (local, tenuki to top side better globally) black move here is “connect” rather than “prevent cut” because White’s move there is not a cut but a separate as White’s stone is solidly connected on both sides.
I took it as referring to the 5-7 and 6-6 point cut, but I guess connecting directly technically prevents that cut even though you die, but that doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of things
Is this a 9x9 game?
If yes, wouldn’t it be better to play on top and not prevent the cut as B?
everybody thanks for answering me.
I recreated it on OGS demo board so it’d be easier to address.
black can continue on top, but I think there is a move to save the three stones at F2, F3 and E4.
let’s look at it from this point of view. there is a point which white can put his stone on it and cut these 3 stones from others of black.
so black, plays not to let white cut the connection.
black can play at D4 or C4. I don’t know which can be better.
what you guys think?
Uhh, thinko? Or am I the one tripping?
You must play D4 first if you want to save the stones, otherwise white can play there and the black stones are totally dead.
yes exactly!
black firtst should play at D4 and then connect the three stones together, and then connect those three (as a solid) to other stones.
thanks all
Black C4 doesn’t work, because white can then still play at D4 to separate black’s 3 stones (which would then be dead).
Black D4 is the only move that saves black’s 3 stones. And if white then connnects her 3 stones with F1, black could atari at E3 to prevent white killing 2 black stones with E3 or F4 (connect-and-die situation).
If white then connects at D2, black will have saved his 3 stones in sente. If white doesn’t, black can capture 2 white stones with D2 later on.
But all-in-all, none of these moves are very big or urgent. If the rest of the board is still empty (as in the diagram), both players should play elsewhere (upper side or upper right corner) before settling this situation in the lower left.
Here you can try out and play in an interactive context.
How does the best AI bot play in this position?
We do not have access to that. But the third or fourth or fifth best AI bot is still vastly superhuman, so would you be interested in that?
(My prediction is knight’s move at top to E7)
I’m sorry. I meant to ask how the best AI bot that OGS has access to, plays in this position. In other words, what are the moves it chooses? I ask because in this thread there have only been opinions, not reliable “best” moves in some sense. If no one knows, then I withdraw the question. Myself, I do not know which AI bot is best, nor do I know how to set up initial positions for the bot.
I think you can trust Uberdudebot, it’s reliable enough. It may not be superhuman but when it isn’t sure, it will tell you.