Who wins in this game?


check this out
if no komi and no handicaps, who actually wins? isn’t it black?

Any prisoners? Which rules? But yes, black seems to have won. 43 to 38 or 12 to 2 on the board.

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chinese or japanese, either way it shouldn’t be different. black has only passed 2 or 3 times but again it won’t change the result.

Why do you ask? Did the actual score surprise you?

Black occupy 3 more points and white 3 less

On the diagonal : 1 (5-4)
Outside :2 (4-2)

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I wrote a page about the rules and the scoring. Rules

I’d love to hear if this helps you understand the score better.

If not feedback on what needs to be clarified would help me write it better.

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yeah I played it in for fun in crazy-sensei and the result was white’s victory.

yes, thank you again groin.


The Crazy-sensei rules tutorial uses stone scoring, so white wins this game since there are more white stones than black stones on the board! Black could have won by filling out the rest of their territory (leaving only two eyes, like white did).

Stone scoring is a nice scoring method for beginners, since there is no need to explain what counts as territory. However it is a bit tedious to have to fill out your territory on bigger boards, so this scoring method is rarely seen outside of beginner tutorials.


oh then
If this was normal scoring method i’d win but with that special method, I lost.
Than you very much anton