Why are old threads not deleted?

Discussion is generally not deleted for being too old, since the content could still be useful for others to look at or maybe even resume discussion of.

@flovo, I don’t think this is a good argument for auto-closing threads. I think it was appropriate that @egb asked a follow-up question in a relevant thread, which provides context and information, and might increase the chances of that question reaching the relevant audience.

Just because a reply went off-topic, it does not mean that the original necro should have been forbidden.

We’ve had a similar discussion before

I would prefer to see that even the OGS Development category have the auto-timeout removed. I understand that the motivation to so do is that the website is constantly changing and that feature/bug discussions can quickly become stale. However, at the same time, there are plenty of discussions about features/changes/bugs that still remain relevant even after months of inactivity (e.g., since no relevant changes have occured).

For example:

In this case, a moderator even reopened the discussion of an old OGS development thread