I can play normally on my computer and also use my phone, but something strange is happening on the tablet. When I tap “Play human”, it seems that the black bar “Finding a game” appears for a fraction of a second and then disappears (The button “Play human” become available again, like I didn’t touch it). When I tap “Play computer”, I receive a message that there are no bots available. When I try to create a custom game, it’s not created, nothing happens. When I check any old game in my profile’s game history, all I see is an empty 19x19 board (regardless of the board size of the game). I am basically blocked. I will provide some information that may or may not be related to the issue.
I see this red icon over my avatar (probably this is what explains everything. It’s like a muted image):

One or two days ago I saw this message, which I had never seen before:
One or two days before that, I had reported someone for a possible rage quit.
The little red icon is letting you know that your browser is having trouble talking to the OGS server: it hasn’t heard from it for a while, and it’s getting worried about that.
The second one indicates that the server is definitely getting strange information from you, because it thinks it’s sent you a warning (which you have to click OK on) and yet you are still talking to it about other things (apparently, the Play page, from your screenshot).
I personally am not clear yet even how that can happen - but if you’re using multiple devices, or some strange situation with multiple tabs and flakey internet, perhaps that would provoke it.
The only immediate remedy is to try to find the dialog that’s warning you, and click OK on it. Since you’re on a tablet, it begs the question “were you previously on a different device, where a warning dialog might be waiting for you?”
Definitely to solve this problem, you want to be on a device with decent internet first - it’s hard to troubleshoot anything if the connection is causing that red warning.
Edit: I had a look on the server, there is not in fact a pending warning for you (at least, not for your account called AllanFelipe
) so something “very odd” is going on. Are these screenshots definitely from that account, or some other?
(For the record, to clear any wondering, there have never been any warnings at all on that account)
Yes, it’s the AllanFelipe account, the only one I have. I just saw this message on the tablet and not in any other device. I’ll try to make the default clear cache, restart tablet, etc … and see what happens, I can’t do it today though. Thanks for checking that.
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So, updates: I can play everywhere except on my tablet when using my preferred browser: Vivaldi (it works on Google Chrome). That should narrow down the problem quite a bit. There was an update available (Samsung Tab A9+) and I installed it. I can even use Vivaldi on the computer and it works fine. I cleared the cache, restarted, and also uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Even when not logged in, the red symbol is still present (above “sign-in”).
Apparently accessing something like the developer tools menu (which should provide more information) is not straightforward in android browsers, but I will still try to check that.
This is a problem with Vivaldi for the Tablet then.
In the absence of browser console output, we can’t help debug it more than we have already.
The red warning icon means that the OGS application in the Vivaldi in the tablet can’t hear the expected communication from the OGS server.
An update was released today and now it’s back to normal, I guess we’ll never know what was that
I’m glad I won’t have to open google chrome again.
Edit: Well, on Vivaldi forum someone told me : “There was a bug blocking some pages, make sure you are on the latest version, 7.2.3628.77.”. So, that might be it.